Page 107 of Indian Summer
Colton got in and I waited until the two SUVs had taken off, then I followed. We drove in silence for about ten minutes until Colton started laughing softly.
“Why are you laughing?”
“His face was an absolute picture,” he chuckled.
I coughed out a laugh. Colton leaned over and took my hand and twined his fingers through mine.
“I need to touch you, ok?”
I glanced at him quickly and nodded. His grip tightened slightly and I squeezed his hand in return. My mothers’ words from that night had always been in the back of my head when I thought about Colton, but I wasn’ther.I was never going to be her. I cared for Colton, he was all I wanted and my situation with Connor was long finished. I was fed up hiding what I felt and who I wanted to be with.
It was dark and the SUV in front was pulling away.
“Can we stop for a minute Ari?” Colton asked me softly. I glanced at him again and then spotting a pull-off, I slowed and bumped off the asphalt and onto the gravel, bringing us to a stop.
He took off his belt and got out of the car. Frowning, I followed him out. He was at my side by the time I was out of the car. With no hesitation, I was in his arms and his lips were on mine.
The taste of him was intoxicating. His hands were not shy in their exploration and I was not hesitant in letting my own hands slip under his shirt and do some exploring themselves. I tugged his shirt up more. I needed more.
His lips were warm and soft as velvet as he trailed kisses down my neck. I arched into him more, pulling him closer.
He nipped my collarbone and I groaned.
“Ok, we need to stop, or I’m going to bend you over this car,” he muttered and pulled away. I followed him, my own lips seeking his throat.
“I’m really bendy,” I whispered huskily into his neck. He grabbed my hair and plunged his tongue into my mouth. Breathlessly, I returned his kisses. I felt him undo the top button of my jeans and then his warm hand was in my jeans, cupping my ass.
“Colton,” I groaned again.
A car whizzing past pulled us both back to our senses. He stood back, I tried to fix my clothes.
“Can we go to your place?” His voice was husky, his eyes dark with lust.
I nodded. I have no recollection of the drive to my apartment. He was touching me the whole way. I think I may have broken a few speed limits. Finally, I parked and we got out.
We didn’t get to the foot of the stairwell, before I was pressed up against the wall, legs wrapped tightly around him. His hand was under my shirt, cupping my breast and I was more than ok with that.
“Fuck Ari, you’re driving me insane, I can’t think straight,” he whispered to me, drawing back slightly.
“I need you,” I said softly. He tipped his head back and looked at me. His eyes searching mine. I tightened my legs pulling him into me, showing him right where I needed him.
“Are you sure?”
“I need you,” I repeated. He was carrying me up the stairs. I slid down his front to open the door. As we went in Colton locked it behind him, he turned and kissed me again, then he picked me up, carrying me to the bedroom.
He placed me on the bed and I looked up at him as he took off his shirt. I sat up and stroked my hand down his chest, running my fingers over his taut muscles. I stood, he lifted my arms and with one swift movement, both tops were gone and I was in my bra.
He was kissing me again and bit by bit we were naked in front of each other.
“Are you sure?” He asked me. I looked up at him, I knew I wasn’t holding anything back. Everything I felt about him, was in the look I gave him.
He groaned as he kissed me in answer. We were on the bed and we were finally complete.
I woke the next morning with a sleepy smile as I stretched. Last night had been amazing, I ached all over. We’d eventually fallen asleep and then sometime during the night, Colton had woken me and that second time it had been soft and tender but just as good. Oh, so good.
I rolled over and frowned. The bed was empty. I reached my hand out, his side was cold. Had he been gone long? Panic rose in me. Why would he leave me?Oh my God he left me?
I sat up and decided to get my phone, he would have texted at least. I pulled the sheet with me, wrapping myself in it as I went, walking over last night’s discarded clothes. Was he ashamed? Did he regret it?