Page 17 of Indian Summer
Me:No it isn’t, you’re making that up. Do not try that line on a living human girl; you’re going to get a slap. Have fun, be safe.
Robbie:Yes mom
I felt better, Matt and Theo were coming on Sunday, Robbie had forgiven me. I exhaled. My thoughts flashed to seeing Connor earlier, so was she his girlfriend? I wasn’t sure how to deal with that, was I jealous? Did I have a right to be jealous? I shoved him out of my mind and picked up the phone to speak to my grandparents, they always made me feel better.
Once I had debriefed them of my week of classes and I had been brought up to speed on my Papa’s attempts at tomato growing, the phone was passed to Gran again.
“Ok, your papa has gone out of the room. Now tell me the juicy bits,” she laughed down the phone. “Any progress with Robbie?”
“No Gran, I told you it wasn’t like that with him. He just wants to be friends.”
“I don’t believe it. He’s a man, isn’t he? He’s seen you hasn’t he? You’re gorgeous! Is he blind? Oh my is” She whispered the last question and I couldn’t help it, I started laughing.
“No Gran, he isn’t blind or gay. He’s nice and he’s afriend. You know I don’t want a relationship.”
“You know the majority of college students meet their future husbands or wives in college you know.”
I took the phone away from my ear and looked at it, was this bugged? “Gran that’s not true. Who told you this?” I demanded.
“Was on the internet. People did research on it, must be true. You can’t let life pass you by Elle.” Gran was adamant, there was no dissuading her. After a few more minutes, we said our goodbyes and I hung up.
Still smiling at both Robbie and my Gran, I got ready for bed. Tomorrow was Saturday and I had a new book downloaded on the e-reader I wanted to start. I paused for a minute as I noticed it was ten thirty on a Friday night. Yip, I was just so rock and roll.
Saturday passed perfectly. I had a lie in, then done my household chores, gone to the store knowing the guys were out of campus, so I had taken my time. I’d purchased a very large takeaway coffee, pastry and then sat on my small veranda with my new book.
Honestly, this was the life. Nothing to interfere, no worries, just me, coffee and a thrilling novel. I hoped to write books like this one day, I was relatively talented. My assignments in English had always gotten top marks and it had been my teacher that had suggested my degree should focus on creative writing. I had a penchant for gothic horror, but teen romance also floated my boat. The only danger was creating a storyline that had already been written. In my head my stories were great, but I needed the discipline to make them novels and fluid.
I watched a movie on Saturday night whilst eating homemade pizza. I hated fresh tomatoes and could just tolerate tomato sauce, so I made my own pizza and put the bare minimum sauce on the dough then smothered everything with mozzarella. I didn’t like toppings but sometimes I could be adventurous and put sliced peppers under the cheese. My pizza was top class if I do say so myself. My movie was rubbish. I’d been looking forward to it immensely and was really disappointed in how bad it had been.
I got up Sunday morning and had a leisurely shower, then made sure my apartment was tidy. I had then dug out all the stuff I needed for the boy’s pancakes. I was nervous but excited at the same time.
I got the skillet out and lightly oiled it. I got the bacon from the fridge and decanted the fresh orange juice I had bought yesterday into a pitcher. I set the table for three.
My doorbell rang and I had to stop myself from running to answer it. I opened the door and was swept up into a huge bone crushing hug. I looked over the shoulder of my assailant and grinned at Matt. Theo finally put me down as he walked into my living room and then it was Matt’s turn to hug me. I don’t think I had been so happy in a long time.
“Nice digs here Lil Bit.” Theo commented as he looked around. I looked around my apartment, it was humble but it was mine. I smiled shyly. “One bed?” He asked as he started to prowl around. I sighed in exasperation, there was no need to scold him, he wouldn’t realise he was being nosy. It was only me after all.
“Two beds.” I corrected as I watched him poke his head into my spare room. I was using it as a study mostly but it still had a single bed in it. He grinned appreciatively and then frowned at the one bath.
“So…you’re alone?” He asked.
“Yes.” I confirmed, I shifted nervously, I knew where this was going.
Theo frowned, “Where’s your dad?”
“He isn’t here,” I mumbled and started to head to the kitchen.
“How can you afford the rent for this Lil Bit?” Matt asked, the guys knew I didn’t come from money, so me having a two-bed apartment on my own, raised eyebrows.
“Oh I’m a hooker at the weekend.” I joked. Both guys stared at me. “Oh my God. I’m joking! Asshats! Come and get breakfast before I decide not to feed you.” I scolded. I wasn’t ready to tell them. They needed to know, I had been so worried about seeing the others, I hadn’t thought about having to tell them about dad.
The guys settled at my insistence and it was really quite funny seeing two hulking guys sitting at my tiny kitchen table. I heated the skillet as Matt poured us all juice.
“So seriously, how can you afford this Ari?” Matt asked.
“I came into some money a few months ago. I thought buying a place was better than renting or whatever.” I shrugged. I started pouring batter onto to the skillet.
“Win the jackpot in Vegas?” Theo joked.God they were like dogs with a bone. I didn’t raise my head as I added blueberries to the mix before flipping the pancakes.