Page 25 of Indian Summer
“Yes, I just took it out of the oven.” I replied absently. Holy crap balls, even Theo had bailed rather than be there for that conversation. This was going to be so bad.
“Ari!” Theo snapped at me. I jerked in response; he rolled his eyes in exasperation. “Gee girl calm down, head on Ari, aren’t you going to have some and maybe me too?” He looked at me expectantly.
“Some what?”
“Lasagne!” Theo was sitting up now. Right, dinner, I had been famished. Ok, now I really wasn’t hungry. In fact, I may never eat again.
Theo was already on his way to my kitchen. I hurried after him, he’d probably start eating it from the dish. Once I shoved him out of the way, we both went back to the couch with a plate each, albeit his was decidedly more than mine. God but he could eat.
I nibbled at the pasta on my fork as Theo switched the TV on and looked like he was settling in for the night. This was confirmed when his shoes were kicked off and his long legs stretched out in front of him.
“Comfy?” I asked.
“I will be Lil Bit when I’m out of these clothes and tucked up in your bed.” Snorting lasagne is not the way to die, I can attest to this wholeheartedly. As I choked and spluttered and was almost in need of CPR, I noticed Theo decked flat out on the couch howling with laughter. I gulped down lots of my water, then I wiped my eyes.
“Jesus Ari, your face was an absolute picture. I didn’t meanyourbed Lil Bit. I meant the bed in the spare room! Jesus, I ain’t ever going to be in your bed, trust me.”
Oh the spare room, ok, I could live with that. Wait, what?
“Why wouldn’t you be in my bed? What’s wrong with me?”Hang on, where’d that come from?
Theo stopped laughing abruptly, “Like you don’t know.” He mumbled to himself. “Just drop it Ari. Hey look, can I stay here tonight or not?” He forked more lasagne into his mouth.
I narrowed my eyes at him. “Why?”
“I told you why.”
“Where’s Matty?”
Theo snorted. “Matt’s all about facing his fears, he’ll wait for the fallout at home.” Yeah, Matt wouldn’t run. Theo looked at me. He sighed. He rolled his eyes.
“Please Lil Bit, I promise I won’t be in the way.” I rolled my eyes this time. Never going to happen, the man had already taken over half my living space.
“Fine.” He winked at me then carried on with his dinner.Men!
We had just put on a movie after having finished with the dishes and Theo having flicked through the channels so many times, I had made him relinquish control of the remote. The movie was some silly action film, the good ones where you don’t need to be concentrating to follow the plot. Theo was sprawled over the couch and his eyes had gradually slipped closed. Considering his feet were hanging off the edge of the couch, I thought it may be better to wake him and send him to bed. I don’t know what Cole had him doing, but the guy was obviously beat. It wasn’t even seven in the evening.
After much grumbling and stumbling, I got him situated in the spare room and closed the door behind me. Not half an hour later, the door went again. I opened it to find Matt on the other side looking grim.
“Hey.” I held the door open for him to come in. He looked tired too, his face was drawn and there were bags under his eyes.
“Hey.” He replied as he walked past me. He automatically went to the spare room, opened the door a crack, checked on Theo and closed the door.
“How long has he been here?”
“A few hours. What’s up?” I sat down on the couch and looked up at Matt; I didn’t like the look he was giving me.
“Connor told Colton.”
I nodded.
“Bad?” I asked. I’m not sure I wanted to know.
Matt let out a small laugh. He shook his head and plopped down on the couch beside me. “No. Colton already knew.”
“Who knows, he’s Cole. I don’t know how he knows half the shit he knows to be honest Bit. He’s really disappointed in me; I’m not supposed to keep things from him.” Matt ran his hands over his hair and slumped forward.