Page 33 of Indian Summer
I was standing there in sodden clothes just staring at her. This girl was smart, plus she was being so kind, when I knew she could have been a bitch. Nothing she had said had been said with malice. I needed to reform my hasty opinion of her from the coffee shop.
“I didn’t have a choice but to lie. When you told me he said I was like his sister, it put me in an awkward position. Plus,” I decided to be wholly truthful, “I didn’t know you. You were nothing to me, they are everything.”
“I know, I get it. I hope we can be friends?”
I blinked.Say what now?
“I’ve been completely honest with you Arielle, and I need some girl power in this house of men! They’re just like wild men, wild with...”
“...a capital W” I finished. She grinned at me and I couldn’t help it, I smiled back. Her smile was genuine. She was either a very good actress or she was just a nice person. I decided to go with the latter.
“Go take that shower; I’ll wait here for you. They tell me no one will come up the stairs except them but until they put locks on these doors, I’ll wait with you just in case.”
I nodded and headed into the shower. I could have told her not to worry, no one would dare, but we were girls and didn’t have two hundred pounds of muscle on us to fight off wayward curiosity. I sighed. That could have been worse and strangely I found myself feeling lighter and smiling as I started to undress.
After a warm and welcome shower, I got dressed quickly in Corey’s clothes. The t-shirt hung long and low and I frowned at its neckline, but the sports bra covered my dignity thankfully. The skirt was a tad roomy but was a decent length on me, sitting mid-thigh. My shorts had been shorter but I was still grateful for the longer length.
A quick blast of the dryer on my hair was enough to tie it up in a messy bun. Corey was waiting for me when I came out of the bathroom, as she had promised. She was at the window which looked down to the back where the pool was. She glanced at me, quickly assessed the outfit and murmured about a belt. As she turned away, I walked over to the window and watched as Connor dragged himself out of the pool.
He was still fully clothed but it didn’t bother him in the slightest. He shook like a shaggy dog, causing all those around him to scream out in protest. He disappeared from view and my eyes travelled over the crowd that was now much bigger than it had been when I’d arrived. It was close to sunset.
I saw Colton sitting out on the upper deck his feet stretched out in front of him; he was side-on watching the antics of his brother and his friends with amusement. A bottle of beer dangled from his hand. I drank in the sight of him greedily, he was sitting there relaxed and loose. His head was dipped slightly low as he oversaw the party. His hair shone an almost caramel colour in the fading sunlight, his tan was deep and bronzed. He was wearing his signature black t-shirt and jeans.
I sighed. He looked perfect as always. Matt and Theo must have exited the pool after Connor as they were both approaching where Colton sat, towels over their shoulders, both laughing and joking. Colton moved his feet for them to pass him. He replaced his feet and just like that the barrier was up again. He bodily blocked anyone from entering that area, just with his posture and his leg placement. He looked so approachable as he sat there laughing with his friends, but the message was clear – you may come to my house, you may hang out, but you may not enter this private space.
I shook my head; he had always been that way. I don’t think he liked people that much, he was always surrounded but he was neverwiththem. It was Matt, Theo and – as we got older – Connor who the people flocked too. They were like magnets, but Colton never sought attention, never instigated get-togethers.
I brushed a loose hair out my face and Colton turned to the house. He was sitting there in shades, but I knew he had caught me looking. I held his stare. I felt so exposed but I didn’t step away. My breath caught and I felt my chest tighten.
The bedroom door banged open and I jumped like a startled rabbit. Connor entered the room and stopped dead at the sight of me. Corey was digging through her bag still and glanced up as he came in.
“Good lord,” she said. “You’re as bad as Elle. Get them clothes off and get in the shower.”
Connor grinned wickedly at her, I cleared my throat. I knewexactlywhat he was about to do.
“Don’t you dare, Dawson!” I warned. His eyes flicked between us and I could see him debating it in his head.
“If you think you are flashing me and your ex at the same time, you have another thing coming mister, I don’t give a hoot if itisElle.” Corey straightened up and raised an eyebrow at him in challenge. Fantastic, another wielder of the single eyebrow.
I burst out laughing at Connor’s expression. He was completely frozen but his eyes darted to the door. “Sooo busted Con – have fun with that. Corey, I’ll see you down there?” I asked.
“You betcha, I need to talk to this one.” She folded her arms. Yeah, Connor was going to get an earful. Still grinning, I slipped past him, patting his shoulder as I passed; I wasn’t a complete bitch after all.
“Elle!” Corey shouted, I turned back. She rushed to me, lifted my t-shirt and threaded a scarf through my belt loops. “That’s all I have,” she muttered as she tied the scarf in place. My t-shirt – well,hert-shirt – was fixed back in place. She tucked the front in behind the scarf, nodded to herself and with a quick unexpected hug, she turned back to Connor. I noted he hadn’t moved an inch. Chuckling and feeling lighter than I had in months, I made my way back down to the guys.
I walked back out onto the back patio and my eyes searched for them. They were still there. Theo and Matt had both put shirts on. There were lawn lights that were turning on, I guessed on a timer as the sun dipped past the horizon.
A burst of laughter from a group caught my attention and I turned my head to see that Jay and his friends were where I had left them. Jay saw me and nodded his head. He was checking me out again and I wasn’t totally sure how I felt about that. Smiling back at him, I lifted my hand and waved before turning and heading to the upper deck where Matt, Theo and Colton were sitting.
The legs were moved and replaced to let me through. Theo grabbed me and I was plunked down on his lap. I wriggled slightly but got comfy. It wasn’t unusual for either Theo or Matt to use me as a prop to deter overenthusiastic female admirers. Colton smirked at me and drank from his bottle as he turned his head away. I felt myself blushing but didn’t know why.Asshat.
“Corey knows?” Matt said as he stretched out in the seat beside us.
“Oh yes.” I nodded. Theo laughed and Colton snorted in amusement.
“Bad?” Matt asked. His concern was obvious. I reached out and took his hand squeezing it gently.
“No, she was super cool and really lovely. I like her, she’s perfect for Con,” I said. Another smirk from Asshat. Matt frowned at him but squeezed my hand in return before he sat back.