Page 37 of Indian Summer
“Jesus Matt! I could have been naked!” I yelled, scrambling up. Oh. My. God. What was that in my head? Was the room moving? Holy shit, I sat back down. I didn’t feel good.
Matt was leaning against the wall, grinning at me.
“How you feeling Bit?”
“Um…” I brought my hand to my head. Was I moving? He burst out laughing.
“C’mon hangover girl, let’s get you some coffee and food.” He grabbed my hand and started pulling me out of the room.
“I don’t want food,” I mumbled.
“Yes you do Bit, come on and let me get you some food.” I followed, protesting the whole time, but his grip was firm.
The kitchen was very bright this morning and I hopped onto the breakfast bar stool with my back to the morning sun.
Toast and coffee were placed in front of me. I reached for the coffee but it was shifted out of my reach. “Eat first,” Matt admonished but he did place a large glass of orange juice in front of me which I greedily gulped down before moving onto my toast. I hate, with great passion, warm toast. I like cold toast with thick butter. Matt was so sweet, he had my toast the perfect way.
I managed half a slice, then I put on my best pleading eyes. A short laugh was my answer and I was given the wonderful black nectar.
A cup down and I was able to finish the toast. My cup was refilled. I felt better.
Matt sat down beside me.
“So?” he began. Oh good here it comes, I thought. The lecture. “You have fun last night?”
I will not feel guilty, I will not feel guilty. “Yes, most of the night was fun.”
Matt nodded. He took a drink of his own coffee. “So, Jay eh?”
“Hmmmm.” I toyed with my coffee cup.
“He’s a nice guy Bit, but,” Matt paused. “You need to be careful.”
“He doesn’t hang with good people.” Matt was looking everywhere but at me.
“I don’t know what that means, he was here.” If he wasn’tgood people,then why had they welcomed him?
“Yes, and he was here with his brother and some of his brother’s friends. They aren’t good people.” Matt shrugged.
“Then why were they here?” I persisted.
“I can’t go into it.”
“This is bullshit.” I stood from the stool. “Where’s everyone?” I wasn’t asking wherehewas. I was asking where everyone was. It was polite. My parents had instilled manners into me at least.
“Colton left this morning,” Matt answered quietly. I snorted in disbelief and then walked out of the kitchen and back up to my room.Who’s running now, Colton?I was pissed, I didn’t know why I was so angry…So he left, fine – that didn’t mean he had left because of me. I mean it had been a little intense – ok so to me it had been alotintense. But the fact he was gone didn’t mean thathehad felt that intensity. I mean for all I knew he had an appointment or something.
I started pacing the room. I needed to go home, to get away from this and just take some space. I knew I shouldn’t have come here. Awkward didn’t even begin to describe it really. Had I made it awkward? Maybe I had. Maybe I was the one who was supposed to pretend it had never happened and just forget it all. But Colton and I kissing, being together for that brief time, had changedeverything.If it hadn’t happened then I wouldn’t have run, we wouldn’t have moved and maybe – just maybe – my dad wouldn’t have died.
I thumped onto the floor.Was I the reason dad was dead? Had I somehow caused his death too?
“Arielle?” Theo stood in front of me. He crouched down. “You ok Lil Bit? You’re crying, should I get Matt?” I shook my head at him and reached up to wipe the tears from my eyes. Theo did not handle tears well.
“I’m ok, was just thinking about dad,” I murmured as I stood. “Hey Theo, will you take me home?”
“Course Lil Bit” He pulled me into his arms and gave me a huge hug. “You’ll be ok. You have us.” I looked at him and nodded. I wasn’t sure that was the comfort I needed.