Page 44 of Indian Summer
Once I got the beer he looked around and in a mere moment he had two bar stools acquired and that’s how I found myself on a Sunday night. The music was loud but good, whoever was in charge of the jukebox had taste. It went from Shinedown to X Ambassadors, Black Stone Cherry and Avenged Sevenfold.
After Matt ordered his second beer, he turned to me. “So, how are you?” I looked at him and put my bottle on the bar.
“I’m ok. Why?”
“You and Colton have a lot going on,” he said to me. I looked away, Matt turned the bar stool round so I was facing him again.
I shrugged. “It’s nothing.” I picked the bottle up, took a swig and put it down. I don’t care if Colorado did have the largest annual production of beer, it was still horrible stuff.
“It’s not nothing, do you think I don’t know about the late-night visit to your room, the morning after visit or the goodbye at the house last week? I’m not an idiot Bit, plus he’s my best friend. Iknowhim, I know him better than he knows himself,” he glanced at me. “I knowyoubetter too don’t forget.”
My face was scarlet, I could feel the heat coming from my cheeks. “It’s just unresolved stuff, it’s sorted now,” I muttered.
“Is it?” I couldn’t look at him. “Bit?” I sighed and finally looked at him. Matt was frowning at me, I looked at him and my shoulders slumped. I shrugged and he nodded.
“Ok, that’s what I thought,” he sighed and turned to lean back on the bar. “Well what are you going to do?” He glanced at me and I let my head fall back as I wondered how much to tell him.
Worthless little tramp…
“It’s just a phase.” I muttered. He glanced at me sharply. “It’ll pass, he doesn’t want it and I can’t have it, so with time and common sense it will pass.”
Matt openly laughed at me. “That is a truly terrible plan. You’re both idiots.” He pushed himself off the bar and shrugged off his jacket.
“I’m the idiot? Last time I looked I wasn’t fighting for money,” I bit back. Matt rolled his eyes and ignored my comment. Of course he did.
“C’mon, we’re going to go and play pool.” He grabbed my hand and led me to the back of the bar.
Matt struck up conversation easily with the guys playing pool, he talked them into letting us play the winners. The boy could charm a snake. To be fair, I think they thought it would be an easy win for them since I was a “mere” female. Little did they know that the first year of being friends with the guys, they hadn’t let up until I could beat most of them at a game of eight ball. I couldn’t beat Colton, but then, no one could beat Colton at anything really.
The game was fun, the other guys caught on quick that I knew what I was doing and instead of being dicks about it, they welcomed the challenge. We won several games and the night was passing swiftly and more importantly I was having fun.
We were laughing with them when some of the observers started whistling and greeting a newcomer. I turned and spotted Tattoo Neck heading towards us. Just behind him was a twinkling eyed Jay. His grin broadened when he saw me. I grinned back.
There were a few girls with them who looked at me but instantly dismissed me. I didn’t mind, I didn’t know them and probably wouldn’t see them again; who cares what they thought. Jay and Matt did the whole weird bro shake that I wondered for the millionth time how they knew what it was. Did they get taken aside in Junior High and taught it?
Tattoo Neck did the same greeting and then turned to me. I felt myself stiffen as he appraised me from top to toe.
“What?” I eventually demanded.
He grinned. Feral like. I would not show him that he made me nervous. “I need to thank you,” he replied. I frowned, not understanding. “You got my lil bro the other day from the sty and I owe you.”
“I went to pick up Matt,” I blurted. Tattoo Neck laughed at me.Shit maybe I shouldn’t have admitted that.
“You still got this one too, some people wouldn’t have. For that, I owe you Arielle.” He looked straight at me, the people round about us were quieter, was this a big deal? I shrugged and he grinned at me again. I think he enjoyed seeing me flounder. I could see why Colton got on with him. Both of them enjoyed seeing people wriggle on hooks.
Jay slipped his arm round my waist and tugged me to him. I was relieved to break eye contact with Tattoo Neck. I smiled at Jay and caught him nod at his brother.
“So darling, what brings you to my bar?” He asked as he tugged me away from the pool table. A protest rang out and Jay turned back looking at the guy we were playing eight ball with.
“We’re playing a game,” I said to him as I slipped out of his hold. Matt was smiling and chatting to a girl who had come in with the brothers, but I knew he hadn’t forgotten me.
“You’re playing eight ball?” Jay questioned. “With these guys?”
“She’s kicking our butts is what she’s doing.” One of them commented. Jay laughed out loud, then he looked over at his brother.
“Well in that case. Aaron and I play the winners.” He fist bumped his brother and then leaned down to me. “You better win darling.”
I looked up at him and smiled. “You better be worth beating.” I caught Matt’s eye as I turned to the guys we were playing.