Page 54 of Indian Summer
“We’re all going back in. Dad I need to speak to you after dinner, but for the moment, that little shit isn’t winning. Not tonight.” He looked at me waiting and despite the shitty night, slowly a smile spread across his face. I couldn’t help it, I smiled back. I looked at Matt and Theo and shrugged, they both grinned back.
“Absolutely,” I agreed. Why did I feel so much stronger knowing he was here, supporting me? Jake looked at all of us and with a shake of his head, he went back inside. Colton nodded to his father as he walked past him, then he too turned to walk back in; the three of us went to follow. Colton stopped and turned back to us, an eyebrow raised.
“We’ll talk about kissing Theo later,” he turned away.
Matt looked at both me and Theo. “Too right we will,” he muttered as he held the door open for us to pass.
Damn it.
We all sat back down at the table and I threw a quick apologetic glance to Mary Ellen. She was not at all happy, but before anyone could comment, our starters arrived.
I ate my soup in silence as conversation quietly resumed around the table. I didn’t partake in the conversation, I was grateful to be left alone.
“What is on the agenda for tomorrow?” Matt’s dad asked. Matt quickly ran through the day. It seemed it was another full eventful day. I was looking forward to it, if I survived the rest of this night, I thought ruefully.
“What about you Colton?” Cole looked up from his soup and glanced quickly at his dad before addressing Matt’s dad.
“Dad’s leaving early for business. So, there’s nothing for me to do. I might tag along with Matt to some of the Business events,” he answered, “If that’s ok with you all?” Matt was enthusiastic, as was his dad, Mary Ellen commented that one of their professors was looking for him at an earlier event.
My stomach clenched. Matt and Colton chaperoning me. Joyous.
“Happy little family,” Connor snarked from across the table. My jaw clenched but it seemed the answer was to ignore him. The entrees followed soon after and I ate my salmon quickly. I wanted this night over, I wanted home and to close the door on all of this.
Amy had been talking to Corey throughout dinner and I picked up snippets of their conversation. It seemed to be very fashion orientated and I noted how Mary Ellen was listening intently to what seemed to be her youngest daughter’s clear intention to go to college.
I bit back my smile. They were all delusional if they thought Amy was going to wait for a man to come and provide for her. That girl wasn’t going to be held downorheld back at any time in her life. Matt was also listening, and I could see that he was fully supportive of her intentions.
I looked down at my empty plate, how much longer was there to go? I placed my hands in my lap as I waited patiently for the end. Colton shifted beside me, he was fully engaged with Theo’s dad about the current NFL season. My dad had been mad about football and my mother would remind him every season that what he was watching wasn’t football but rugby for softies. When I was younger, I was fully supportive of my dad and the NFL. Then I watched a rugby game and those guys have no padding or helmets. It didn’t take away from the sport of American Football, but I appreciated where she was coming from. Wow that was a first for me in a long time. A fond memory of mum? I smiled a sad smile at the thought.
I startled slightly when I felt his hand clasp mine again. I tried not to look to him, how did he know? How did he always know when I needed him? Colton continued his conversation as he laced his fingers loosely through mine, and I let him as I pushed my memories of her aside.
We sat like that for the remainder of the meal, it wasn’t long – but it was long enough. Mary Ellen made the motions to leave and soon we were all gathering our things. Connor and Corey left first. The goodbyes were frosty. Well Connor’s was frosty, Corey got smiles and a hug from me. I got a nod from Jake Dawson and I nodded back. I still didn’t like him and he hadn’t softened to me either but at least we could be civil.
Matt and Theo were chatting to their respective parents. Mary Ellen hugged me goodbye as she rounded up her husband and daughter with a reminder that she would see me in the morning. Suddenly it was just the four of us. Colton turned to us and Theo immediately tensed.
“Not here,” Colton murmured as he held up my jacket for me to put on. I looked at Theo as I slipped into the jacket and he rolled his eyes at me which made me grin – I remembered our chat after the kiss happened and couldn’t help shake my head. Seemed I was going to find out what Colton would do after all. “I have the car with me,” Colton said as we all left the country club.
As we approached the SUV, I noticed it was the modified one Matt had with him the other night. Colton looked around at the empty parking lot and then turned to regard Theo.
“It’s not what you think,” Theo immediately went on the defensive. I let out a frustrated sigh.
“It’s my fault,” I cut in. Theo was already on thin ice with Matt, plus I could explain this to them all. “I saw Theo and thought he was hitting on a girl and I was feeling slightly peeved at how it’s ok for all of you to go around being loose with your kisses and thought I would save her the heartache.” Three expressions regarded me, one incredulous, one slightly offended and one coolly appraising me. “I went up to Theo and kissed him to give the girl the hint to stay clear. However, I didn’t know Theo had already been with her, so I was basically not saving her, but saving him from an overeager fan.”
Matt had started grinning halfway through my explanation. Theo was looking as smug as Don Juan. Colton’s cool appraisal hadn’t changed.
“And kissing in the bar?” He prompted, my cheeks flushed. Ok so he had been on the decking longer than I thought. His gaze was unwavering.
“We met Jay and his friends on Sunday night while out having some drinks,” Matt muttered, Colton looked at him and said nothing. Matt squirmed slightly. “Bit and I were just out having some fun and they turned up, you know how it is.”
“Sunday?” Wow. Ice freeze or what? My temper was beginning to fray.
“Yes!” I snapped. “Sunday. Matt and I went out, had a few drinks and played eight ball. No big deal. It’s whatfriendsdo.”
“Alright, no need to be so defensive Lil Bit. Let’s get you home.”
Colton got in the car. I stared after him wordlessly, well what was that about then? I looked at Matt he shrugged and held the door open for me. I clambered in and kept staring at Colton. His eyes met mine in the rearview mirror. The eyebrow raised. I felt my own narrowing. I saw him smirk.
Ugh are you kidding me?