Page 57 of Indian Summer
Coffee was ordered at the café and then we grabbed two outside seats to spoil ourselves. I was enjoying my mango key lime cheesecake immensely when Robbie cleared his throat. Uh-oh, this could only be trouble. I almost put my fork down. Almost.
“Did you do anything during family weekend?” He asked. Ok, so he wasn’t going intothatother territory, he was being sensitive about family weekend. This I could handle.
“Yeah, Matt’s mom kind of adopted me and we spent the weekend between Matt’s classes and mine,” I smiled fondly at the thought of the care Mary Ellen had shown me during the weekend.
“He the one that punched me?” Robbie grumbled rubbing his jaw in memory. I rolled my eyes.
“No. That was Theo. Matt’s the other blonde one,” I explained. I didn’t bother defending Theo for his actions or apologising. After all, Robbie had been out of line and although I did not condone the violence, there was wrongdoing on each side.
“He’s got a hell of a right hook,” he muttered. I didn’t engage and then he smiled at me. “Time to swap?” He picked up his chocolate mousse cheesecake and as discussed, we swapped slices. First mouthful and I groaned out loud. Good grief, that was…so good. The cheesecake was like velvet, the biscuit base was perfection and do not get me started on the chocolate mousse topping.
I opened my eyes to see Robbie fixated on me. I flushed. He hastily looked away and scooped up some of my cheesecake. I was slightly embarrassed, probably not the best reaction to have over cheesecake.
“Darling?” I turned quickly and beamed as I noticed Jay walking over. His hair was tied back, he had his overgrown stubble look going for him again. I watched his tall broad frame approach the table in appreciation. A white long sleeved t-shirt did nothing to hide his muscles, ripped jeans that hugged his frame and black biker boots completed him. I didn’t even care that he watched me appraise him. His grin was wicked as he stooped down to my level, his eyes twinkled with mischief.
“Like what you see?” His voice was low and husky. He winked as he leaned forward and dropped a kiss on my lips. His attention then turned to Robbie. His demeanour didn’t change as he held out his hand.
“Jay.” He introduced himself.
Robbie looked confused but extended his hand and shook. “Robbie.”
Jay nodded as he pulled up a spare chair. He pulled the chair close to me and draped his arm over the back of my chair. He picked up my fork and helped himself to my cheesecake.
I launched forward and grabbed the fork. “Mine!” I shrieked. Jay threw his head back and laughed.
“Man, that is some good cake, you don’t want to share?” He asked me as he reached for the fork. I leaped away from him and he bellowed with laughter.
“How do you two know each other?” Robbie interrupted us. Jay swung his head round and grinned.
“Mutual friends. Arielle’s friends are friends of my brother,” Jay explained. Robbie’s eyebrow rose.
“Her friends? You mean the blonde guys?” Jay rocked back in his seat, he took in Robbie’s brown hair and colouring.
“You got something against blondes?” He quipped. Robbie flushed. Jay laughed and settled the chair down with a thump. “I’m joking man. Yeah, the blondes and the Dawson’s. They hang with my brother,” Jay explained.
“Who’s your brother?” Robbie stabbed his cheesecake, I wasn’t sure if it was intentional or not. Either way I felt bad for the poor cheesecake.
“Aaron Jonson,” Jay answered looking straight at him. Robbie’s head snapped up. Jay grinned at the reaction.
“AaronJonsonis your brother?” He stuttered incredulously. Jay leaned back again grinning at his discomfort.
“Yeah. You know him?”
“No. Heard of him,” Robbie looked at me and looked away. “Obviously,” he muttered, “everyone knows your brother.”
They did? News to meI thought. My head was turning like I was a tennis umpire in a final match at Wimbledon. I had absolutely no idea what was going on and this time Iwaspaying attention.
“What’s the big deal about Tattoo Neck?” I asked impatiently. Jay snorted a laugh and Robbie paled slightly.
“You don’t know?”
I shrugged. “I know I can beat him at pool,” I answered smartly. Robbie looked worse.
“Youhangout with him?”
Jesus wept. What was the big deal, was he God? No.
“He’s just a guy Robbie,” I replied. I looked at Jay who was smiling at me in a weird way. Almost, proudly?