Page 60 of Indian Summer
“No of course not! I don’t want to be here on a Saturday morning looking at my friends beat up from a stupid fight that they shouldn’t even be involved in!” I grabbed a towel and started angrily assembling an ice pack for Theo. “But my friend called me and needed my help. What was I going to do? Say no?” I scoffed.
“Thank you Ari,” Theo moved forward and wrapped his arms around me. I sank against him. I felt some of my frustration seep out of me and I slightly relaxed. I dared a look at Colton. Who was completely furious. His eyes flashed at me and he folded his arms across his chest. That bloody eyebrow rose and like the coward I am, I closed my eyes and squeezed into Theo some more.
“I assume Theo bribed you?” Colton said slightly mockingly. I nodded. “What did he get you with?”
I sighed as I pushed back from Theo, who had tensed up. I turned to Colton. “The truth,” I answered, surprisingly my voice was strong. He smirked as if he knew that was the answer and flicked his eyes to Theo. Yeah Theo wasn’t popularat all.
“We don’t need you here Arielle. We could have gotten through today without having to involve you.”Asshat.
“Well I’m here now and I’ll stay for my friends.” Ok so I hadn’t managed to hide the quiver to my voice there. Damn it. He smirked at me and turned back to the coffee pot.
“Tell me you all at least won,” I muttered trying to change the subject as I turned back to help Matt with an ice pack for Theo.
Matt was not happy with me being here either it seemed. He was frowning at both of us. Theo interrupted my stare off with Matt. “Course we won, you think this is bad, you should see the other guys,” Theo mumbled as he picked up the ice pack and placed it to his face.
I rolled my eyes as I set about preparing another ice pack. I felt a warm body brush up against me and I stiffened as Colton reached around me. A large mug of steaming coffee was placed in front of me and then he stepped away, leaving cool air in his place. I struggled to hide my disappointment. I looked up and Matt was looking at me, far too in tune with what I was trying to hide. I flushed and looked away.
“What are you going to distract him with?” Matt asked me. I shrugged as I thought about the answer. Truth was, I had been thinking about it on the way over and I wasn’t sure what was best to hit him with. Ok, maybe poor choice of words. I heard a disbelieving snort from behind me.
Colton strolled past with his coffee. My eyes ran over the back of him appreciatively, the pyjama top sculpted to his broad back. He paused at the kitchen door. He half turned back and his eyes met mine.
“You owe us no favours.” A rush of hurt washed over me, he was unyielding as his eyes flicked to Matt and then he turned to Theo. “Theo,” he commanded. I heard Theo sigh in resignation as he got up and followed Colton out of the room.
I turned back to Matt and handed him his rapidly melting ice pack. I let out a frustrated breath. Matt took the pack mumbling his thanks.
“You need to go Bit,” he started.
“No! Theo asked me here, he needs and wants me to help him. I am helping him,” I protested.
“You’re stubborn is what you are,” Matt countered. He reached round and tried to put the pack on his kidneys. I jumped off the seat angrily. I snatched the pack off him and placed it none too gently on his back. Matt drew in a sharp breath.
“Jesus Bit,” he flinched away from me.
“Stop being a baby. You knew I was doing it, you should have braced yourself,” I snapped as I followed his retreat with the ice pack.Yeah that’s right, I am an ice wielding ninja.
Matt growled something unintelligible and I stuck my tongue out at his back.
“Will you please listen to me?” Matt asked me softly.No no no no I am not listening. I’m an ice wielding ninja. I shook my head. Of course, he couldn’t see me. He grunted again. “Words Bit.”
“Bit!” He tried to turn to me, but I pressed the ice pack in more and he cursed. He’d had enough of my nursing as he jumped off the seat and turned to me.Ah shit.
“You need to go. You don’t have to put yourself through whatever you are eventually going to come up with for a reason for being here with Connor. Colton isnotgoing to allow Theo to tell you what’s happening.Iam not going to tell you. Will you please understand, this is not for you to get involved in?”
My response was to glare at him.
“Bit. This is bigger than us ok? It’ll be over soon. Just stay away from Connor, don’t listen to Theo and for God’s sake, stop winding Colton up.” I was properly incredulous. I could feel my eyes were the size of saucers. I took a step back.
“I don’t wind Colton up,” I whispered. Matt went to take a step forward but stopped himself.
“That’s the only bit you heard?” He shook his head ruefully. “Please Ari, just...go home?” He pleaded. He just looked so exhausted I felt my chest clench.
I dropped the ice pack on the counter. Bending swiftly, I picked up my purse and then swallowing back tears, I slipped past my best friend and out of the house. I ran to my car and only when I was out of sight of the house, did I allow myself to cry.
When I got home, I peeled off my clothes and stood under the shower for a very long time. The tears ran freely and I ended up hunched over with my hands on my knees and my chest far too tight.
I knew that Matt would never purposefully hurt me but that didn’t stop the tears from flowing. Winding Colton up hadn’t been the only thing I had heard when he had told me to go home, but it was the first thing I had latched onto. I stumbled out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. I towel dried my hair and made my way pitifully to the kitchen.