Page 75 of Indian Summer
“What is it?” I asked concern for her rushing to the surface.
“I just wish I had that confidence in him,” she admitted. “The way he acted at dinner the other night was awful.”
“Connor is crazy about you,” I defended him, because as far as I could see, he really was. “He’s still mad at me Corey, that doesn’t mean he wants to get back together with me. It just means he’s ok with me feeling uncomfortable around him.”
Her smile blinded me and I was crushed into a hug. “I’m happy for you to move in, would help me balance out the testosterone,” she admitted a little guiltily.
I laughed. We said our goodbyes and I headed into class. I put my phone on silent and sent Jay a text, saying I was fine and would call him later.
A message came back almost instantly with an ‘ok’ emoji. I smiled and I thought again how it wasn’t complicated with Jay. However, was that a good enough reason to keep doing whatever it was we were doing?
I had a blissfully uneventful day in class and like a good friend, I met up with Matt at the end of the day and he drove me back to their house. Connor was in the kitchen when we walked in. Matt tensed minutely but plastered a smile on his face anyway. Connor was munching his way through a fat slice of watermelon. He grinned when he saw us.
“Ari, you feeling better?” He asked as he wiped his hands on the front of his trousers.
“Jesus Con what are you, two?” Matt muttered throwing a dish cloth at him. Connor caught it deftly and gave Matt the finger as he wiped his hands.
“You’re such a woman Matt,” he chided. “Ari, so are you feeling better? Cole said you had it bad?”
I nodded at him. I was choking on the level of anger that had risen at the sight of him. I thought I would be able to control my temper but having him standing in front of me, with that same lazy Connor Dawson grin and attitude. I was in danger of throttling him. Matt looked over at me and must have realised pretty quickly that I was struggling.
“Yeah she’s much better aren’t you Bit?” His look was pointed. I took a page out of his book and plastered a smile on my face. I felt like a fraud.
“Your boy was looking for you today,” Connor said as he picked up another slice of watermelon.
“What?”What boy?
“Jay,” he took a huge bite of fruit. I glanced quickly at Matt who was frowning at Connor.
“When did you see Jay?” I asked, hoping my voice wasn’t as shaky as I thought it was. Had Connor been to the garage? Was he doing something stupid again?
“He came to the house,” Connor shrugged and took his bowl to the sink. “Don’t know why he thought you were here to be honest, but you’re here now, so what’s going on?” He leaned casually against the sink. I knew him well though, I noticed the tension in his hands as he gripped the edge of the basin.
“Ari stayed here last night,” Matt explained.
“In whose room?”
“Mine,” I answered quickly, I had seen the deep breath that Matt took. We didn’t need this on top of everything else. “I have a room here you know,” I smiled to soften the sharpness of my words.
Connor’s eyes narrowed. “I know that. It’s across from mine.”
Just then Corey came into the kitchen from the pool, she was wrapped in a towel, but her hair was wet, she had obviously been swimming. Her face broke out in a radiant smile.
“Elle!” She hurried over and hugged me. She turned to Connor and then to the counter where she seemed to be looking for something. He looked immediately guilty.
“He ate it.” Matt supplied. Connor glared at him and Corey went over to the sink and forcibly shoved him aside.
“You ate my fruit?” She demanded. Then to my surprise she flicked his forehead. “You better make me another bowl!” Turning, she grabbed my hand and led me out of the kitchen. I looked over my shoulder and saw Matt and Connor in some silent stare off and then Matt turned and walked out too. Connor’s head went down, I felt a pang of sympathy and then I remembered what he had done, and I too turned away.
When we got to the rooms. Corey asked if she could come into mine. I agreed, and she dashed into her own with the promise she would be five minutes. Shrugging I went into my room and dumped my tote down as I kicked off my sneakers.
My bed had been remade. I had made it this morning, but it seemed Mrs Green took her duties seriously and had remade it. I can make a bed, but I wouldn’t be able to get those sharp hospital corners if my life depended on it. Shaking my head, I went into the adjoining bathroom. I heard the door close and popped my head out, Corey had pulled a light summer dress on over her bathing suit and wrapped her hair in a towel.
She walked over to my window and looked out over the gardens. “Beautiful isn’t it?” She asked. I nodded she turned and then looked at me.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Ok, so. I’m not weird,” she began.