Page 79 of Indian Summer
Matt stood impassive throughout it all. I took a ragged breath.
“I want to phone my grandparents. I need a landline. Please.”
He nodded and walked out of the room. He led me to his room and stood back as he opened the door. I walked past him and he closed the door behind me. Leaving me alone. I spotted the landline and went over and sat down beside it. Using my mobile to find the number, I called Scotland.
The phone rang briefly and I started to panic, suddenly realising that there was a seven-hour time difference and I was calling them in the middle of the night.
I hastily hung up.Jesus what is wrong with you Elle?
The phone rang and I jumped. I answered it. “Hello?” I was dreading having to explain to my grandparents why I had forgotten what time it was.
“Hello, who is this?” The voice was clipped and definitely American. More importantly I knew who it was.
“Oh hi Mary Ellen, it’s Elle.”
“Arielle?” The voice was much warmer. I smiled. “How are you? I thought I had called Matthew. Did I call the main house?”
Figures they would have direct dials, like a business. No general numbers for these guys.
“I’m in his room. I was going to use the phone to call my grandparents and then realised the time,” I explained.
“Ah easy mistake. Are you well, he told me you had contracted food poisoning. You must make sure you drink plenty of fluids,” I could hear the genuine concern in her voice.
“I didn’t have food poisoning Mary Ellen. My drink was spiked.” I have absolutely no idea why I told her that.
“I see,” her voice softened. “Ok Arielle, I’m sitting comfortably. Why don’t you tell me what is going on?” Her voice was gentle and to my surprise and I am sure, Mary Ellen’s dismay, I burst into tears. Over the next hour, I told her everything. I cleansed my soul and my conscience and confessed everything. I left nothing out. Nothing.
When I was done there was silence. “I’m so sorry,” I whispered horrified.
Oh my God what had I done? Colton was going to kill me. Literally kill me.
“Mary Ellen?” I asked.
“I’ll be there tomorrow. Don’t tell them I am coming please. I will see youalltomorrow,” she hung up.
Shit.I told her everything. I told her about Connor and the trust fund money and how he lost it. I told her that Colton, Matt and Theo were fighting illegally to repay the loan payments. I told Mary Ellen Landers, that heronlyson was fighting illegally for money.Oh my God.I told the most cultured, well mannered, sophisticated woman I knew, that her son was fighting for money.
I wiped my face and felt the steady building of panic within me. I was going to be flung so fast out of this house, when they found out what I had done. I needed to tell them. No. I couldn’t, that meant Mary Ellen would be upset with me and I just couldn’t cope with one more person being disappointed in me.
I slipped out of Matt’s room and like a thief I sneaked back into my room. There was a sandwich and a bottle of water sitting on my dresser. Even grumpy they still thought of me. It was too much, I started to cry again.
Feeling incredibly sorry for myself and full of apprehension about tomorrow, I slipped under the blanket and closed my eyes.
Very early the next morning I dragged my sorry self into a shower. I dressed listlessly and then having no other excuses, I left the room. It was barely past 6:00. I made my way to the kitchen, there was no one around. I would make a coffee and then having thought about it in the shower, I was going to tell them when they came down.
I had just brewed the pot and was pouring a cup when I heard the front door opening.
I glanced at the clock. She wouldn’t be here already. She couldn’t – could she? Sure enough, Mary Ellen walked into the kitchen dressed immaculately as always in a soft pink tweed skirt suit. Her hair was perfect as was her make-up.
She placed her purse on the island and then I was in a tight hug. I returned the hug and as she pulled back, she kissed my cheek.
“Thank you,” she said simply. I cringed inwardly.
“I shouldn’t have told you,” I said softly. She smiled gently.
“You’re the only one with sense enough to know that this is not a situation these boys can fix.”
The front door opened again and then to my ultimate horror, Jake Dawson walked into the house. That explained how she’d gotten through a locked door. Daddy dearest had a key. I looked at Mary Ellen, she squeezed my arm in silent support.