Page 88 of Indian Summer
“Colton?” Jay’s look was unwavering.
“Um, sure. But Matt’s mom’s here and I need to say my goodbyes.” Jay hadn't expected that, he looked at Matt briefly and nodded.
“I'll be in here.” He patted the truck’s door.
I nodded and started across the drive, Matt walked beside me. “What are you doing?”
“I need to talk to him,” I reiterated. My insides were churning with nerves.
“About what? You being his girlfriend? That’s a crock of shit and you know it,” Matt was angry.
I stopped on the drive just before the steps to the house. “Is it Matty?”
“Do you want to be in a relationship with him? After what you know about Aaron?” Matt looked betrayed. I didn’t mean to betray him.
“He’s not his brother,” I snapped. “I want to have a discussion. I want to know how him now knowing this, affects things. Does it affect things? I can’t be in the same place as Aaron, I don’t know his story and I don’t want to know,” I sighed. “But I like Jay, things are easy with him, there is no drama.” Matt snorted and gave me an ‘are you serious look’. Yeah ok. I’d give him that.
“Ok. Before the madness of this weekend, things were easy. He makes me laugh and there is no tension. Can’t I just have a conversation with him?” I looked at him. Matt ran his hand over his hair.
“No Bit. I genuinely don’t think you can,” his eyes flicked to the door. “What about Cole?”
My temper rose. Like a burst dam flooding my system. My eyes narrowed. “What about Colton?”
“Oh Ari come on. Don’t play this game, you’re notthatgirl,” Matt muttered.
“There is no game. There is no ‘what about Colton.’ He told me the situation and I accept it.Youknow this. There’s nothing more to discuss,” I started moving again. “As you told your mom during the family weekend, I am a grown independent woman taking care of myself. It's about time you let me.” Matt’s jaw dropped. I cringed, it wasn’t stopping me though.
I stormed into the house and stopped immediately. I took a deep calming breath. I walked into the dining room. The table had been cleared but they were all still seated. I avoided looking at Colton. I addressed Mary Ellen and Mary Ellen alone.
“Would you mind if I went home? Jay…” I stammered. I couldn’t say it. Not with so many eyes on me. “My friend Jay is going to take me home.” I heard a sharp inhale.Theo?I was not looking at anyone other than Mary Ellen.
She didn’t look at anyone else, I saw her assess me quickly and she smiled. “If that’s what you want my dear of course.” She looked at the table, Matt had slipped in behind me and now sat beside Colton.Don’t lookI repeated over and over in my head. “This has been a long day already, if you want to go home dear with your friend, no one is stopping you, I am sure we all understand.”
I highly doubt it.
I nodded. “I’ll just run and get my things.” I crossed to her and hugged her hard. She returned the squeeze, she was so safe and steadfast. I wanted to hide in her comfort. But I did enough hiding, I withdrew and she looked at me with concern but I nodded to let her know I was ok.
“You did the right thing. You recognised that this wasn’t for them to fix and you were right, the horrid man was playing with them. Do not let them make you feel guilty,” she kissed me swiftly on the cheek.
“It’ll be fine, they just need some space and probably sleep. They have been wound so tight for too long,” I said softly. “Please don’t be too hard on them, with whatever punishment they get.”
She smiled wickedly. “Oh Matthew is coming home every second weekend. Right until the end of sophomore year.” I couldn’t manage to control my expression, oh my God he would hate it, she smiled a huge Cheshire Cat smile.
I shook my head and hugged her again. “You’re a ruthless woman.” I admired her cunning personality as I drew away from her.
David gave me a brief hug. “Thank you, you’re a good girl Arielle.” He smiled kindly at me.No, I’m not, I’m a breaker of trust.
I turned surprised only Jake and Connor remained, the others were gone.
I muttered my goodbyes to Jake and Connor and then I practically ran out of the room. I raced up the stairs and grabbed the two totes they had packed for me. Was it only two nights ago that I’d come here? How had all this happened in so short a time?
I definitely needed my own space. I needed to process.
I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and saw the missed texts and calls from Jay. I read a few briefly, he sounded so insecure, wondering if he should come over. Could he come over? Yes, I was doing the right thing by talking to him. Ok I may not pursue anything with him. But I needed to have that conversation.
I looked up. He was in the doorway.
I snorted. “You have to stop doing that. It's fucking creepy,” I muttered.