Page 94 of Indian Summer
“Give what?” I asked nervously.
“Aw Lil Bit you’re too cute,” he ruffled my hair and then got four plates. Well at least he was letting Jay eat.
I dished up the pasta and then the two of us carried it through to the lounge. Matt and Jay were in a tense stare off.
“We ok in here?” Theo asked quietly, with a sharp look to Matt.
“Absolutely,” Jay answered, he took his plate and then hauled me down beside him. I was almost on his lap. He kissed the corner of my mouth, “thank you darling.”
I kept my eyes on the TV. I wasn’t looking at anyone.
I pretended to eat my bake. Matt and Theo dug in. Even Jay focused on the food for about five minutes and then seeing I wasn’t eating reached over and helped himself to mine.
I saw Theo tense and glance quickly at Matt. I didn’t want a fight, so I jumped up and disappeared into the kitchen.
I found my phone on the window ledge. I took a breath. I opened my messages.
Me:Do you know they are here?
I waited. Three dots finally appeared.
I sighed. He better not be playing with me.
Me:Here. Interrupting my, um, date?
Cole:Are you on a date?
Me:Why are you asking that? I just said I was.
Cole:You didn’t seem sure. You said date? With a question mark. You can see how I could be confused.
Me:FFS Cole.
Cole:What? I’m confused. Aren’t you an English Major?
I put my phone down.Asshat. I picked my phone up.
Cole:What is an Asshat anyway? I never understood that particular insult you are so fond of.
Me:It’s YOU!!!!!
Cole:You made up a word all for me? Awww, I didn’t get you anything.
I snorted out a laugh. I was smiling.Asshat.
Me:Are you going to come get them or tell them to leave?
Cole:They’re happy, leave them be.
Me:They’re ruining my night!!!