Page 14 of Daddy's Vengeance
Watching Adele squirm in her seat and glance about the restaurant to see if anyone was noticing her behavior was possibly the most fun I’d had with a woman in years. The blush on her cheeks never quite faded, and every time it seemed like it might, she would shift in her seat and the color would bloom bright and pink again.
I found myself torn between wanting to whisk her away back to my apartment to have my way with her and prolonging her torment for my own perverse enjoyment. Both options appealed in their own way.
As I was toying with the idea of ordering dessert for the sole purpose of keeping her on edge just a bit longer, her gaze caught on something over my shoulder and her spine stiffened.
“That son of a whore,” she muttered, her eyes narrowing dangerously.
Gone was my sweet, shy little maid. The woman across from me more resembled the wildcat I’d taken to bed the night before, but instead of passion, it was fury lighting her eyes.
What the hell was happening?
“Sweetheart, if looks could kill, someone would be dead on the floor right now.”
My words seemed to jolt her back to reality and she sent me a sheepish smile. “I am very sorry. I… saw someone I was not expecting to see this evening.”
“Usually when a woman gets that riled up about someone she hasn’t seen in a while, there’s history. Old boyfriend?” It was the easiest and most likely answer, but the thought of her with another man filled me with a rage I’d previously only felt for one man. Although some corner of my brain knew it was illogical, I wanted to track down every man who had ever dared to lay a hand on my girl and cut off any part of him that had touched any part of her.
Her gaze flicked back to the side, to whoever had caught her attention in the first place and her mouth twisted into a grimace. “Ah, something like that, I suppose. Would you excuse me for a moment? I need to use the ladies’ room.”
“Of course.” Leaning back in my chair, I sipped from the single glass of wine I’d allowed for each of us. I wasn’t sure exactly what was going on, but I was absolutely certain of one thing.
My little girl was going to learn a harsh lesson about lying to her Daddy.
Clutching my handbag, I made a beeline for the ladies’ room, swerving at the last possible second to duck through the kitchen doors. I held my head high, eyes forward, moving swiftly through the crowded, noisy space as if I belonged. People rarely questioned you as long as you moved with confidence. Working Undercover 101.
Outside, I pulled my phone from my purse and hit the speed dial.
Voicemail. Again.
Fury boiled up inside of me until I could no longer contain it. Pacing the back alley, I called him every foul name I could think of until I’d exhausted my extensive vocabulary of swear words in every language I knew.
When I felt as though I had myself under control again, I turned and pulled on the kitchen door.
I knocked a few times to no avail. Admitting defeat, I hurried out of the alley. Hopefully, I could slip inside again without Cole realizing I’d come in through the front door.
But luck was not on my side. Turning the corner onto the street, I crashed straight into a wall of muscle.
Grabbing a hold of my arms to steady me, Cole smiled, but there wasn’t an ounce of warmth in the gesture. “There’s my naughty girl.”
Desire pooled in my belly at the growled greeting. “Um. Hi. I was just… getting some fresh air.”
“The car is waiting for us,” was his only answer as he turned, slipping an arm around my waist and guiding me to the waiting vehicle. Tonight, he’d hired a limo and I knew from the ride to the restaurant we would have plenty of privacy during the drive back to his apartment.
I slid inside, but he paused at the open door, dropping his voice too low for me to hear as he spoke to the driver.
As soon as the door closed behind us, he pulled me onto his lap, turning me to face him so I was forced to straddle his thighs. I’d expected anger when I met his gaze, but the flat, cold expression I found was somehow worse.
Sliding his hands under my dress, he grabbed one ass cheek and squeezed hard enough to make me yelp at the flash of dull pain. With his other hand, he gripped the base of the plug, pulling it out so my poor abused hole was stretched uncomfortably around the fullest part.