Page 35 of Daddy's Vengeance
Easing my grip but keeping my hand in place, I allowed her to drag in a deep breath. Tears glittered on her lashes, soothing the beast. Sighing, I stroked my thumb along her throat. “I am glad to hear that, sweetheart.”
Under my hand, she relaxed, and I almost felt guilty for giving her that false sense of hope. “But after tonight, I can promise you will think twice before disobeying me ever again. Stand up and strip.”
Excitement and fear were a delicious cocktail of emotions swirling inside of me as I rose to my feet and slowly divested myself of my uniform. I’d known this was a likely outcome when I had snuck out, and I was prepared to pay the price. But I couldn’t find even an ounce of remorse, considering he would have been dead without me.
If I felt any regret at all, it was that I couldn’t be honest with him about who I was. That guilt stayed with me, and I welcomed any chance to purge it. So, I would accept my punishment, and I would focus on the guilt I did actually feel.
When I was completely naked, he pulled me down over one knee, my torso resting on the bed and his other leg locking me in place.
“While I have you here, perhaps we should discuss eavesdropping, as well.”
My stomach did a slow roll. A lie sprang to my tongue, but I immediately swallowed it, unwilling to test his threat of washing my mouth out with soap. If he was bringing it up, then he had obviously seen me, and lying about it now would only make things worse.
“I am sorry,” I whispered, adding a sniffle I hoped he would buy as repentant.
“You certainly will be by the time we are through.” His hand patted my bottom, sending a shock of need to my clit. “I do not give orders lightly, little girl. So, when I give them, I expect to be obeyed. Not only did you disobey my orders multiple times tonight, but you also broke my trust. And until you can earn it back, you will be confined to the apartment. If you wish to leave for any reason, you will need my permission to do so. Do you understand, Adele?”
Merde. How was I supposed to figure out who had betrayed him if I was locked up in the apartment all day? “Do you not think that is a bit excessive?”
Without warning, his hand connected with my bare skin, an explosion of pain that had me squealing and drumming my toes against the floor. A dozen swats landed so quickly I didn’t have time to even catch my breath before it was over, leaving behind a burn across my entire backside.
“Do I think that keeping you safe until you learn how to do as you’re told is excessive? Not in the least, sweetheart.”
Obviously, arguing with him at the moment was only going to earn me a longer, harder punishment than he already had planned. There would be time to change his mind about the restriction later.
Or I would simply need to sneak out again, which hopefully could wait until the welts on my ass had healed.
“Yes, Daddy,” I acquiesced with a deliberate pout.
“Good girl.” With that, the spanking started again with a vengeance, harder and faster than he’d ever spanked me before. Instinct overwhelmed my training and I wiggled over his knee to try and escape the punishing blows. But he wrapped his other arm around my waist with barely a pause, further trapping me in place as he rained hellfire down on my unprotected backside.
“Daddy, stop! It’s too hard!”
I barely heard his snort of derision over the steady staccato of his hand smacking against my skin. “You know what would be too hard, Adele? Losing you. Watching you die a violent, bloody death because you’re too goddamned stubborn to do as you’re told!”
Pain, the kind of pain that only comes from losing someone you love more than anyone, echoed in his voice. The guilt I hadn’t felt before coated my stomach as tears filled my eyes. No matter my motives, or that I had saved his life, I could not deny the pain I’d caused him by following him to Giorgio’s.
But I knew I would do it again without hesitation, because if I had lost him, it would be my pain which would be too great to bear. “What about you?”
My question, spoken in a voice strangled with unshed tears, brought the punishment to a halt. “What about me?” he demanded.
“What would I have done if you had died tonight? Which you almost did if you do not remember!”
“You don’t need to worry about me, sweetheart, I can take care of myself.”
Craning my neck around, I glared at him through tear-glazed eyes. “Were you taking care of yourself when one of Giorgio’s men had a gun to your head?”
A muscle in his jaw jumped, as if he were biting back the words he truly wished to say. “My work requires me to deal with dangerous situations. I’ve accepted that. What I will not accept, is you being put in harm’s way.”
“Why? Because I don’t have a hunk of meat hanging between my thighs?”
“Because you aren’t trained, Adele!”
“Would you train me?” I shot back, not taking my eyes off of his, daring him to deny me.
He hesitated, and his nod was reluctant, but it thrilled me all the same. “Yes. If you want me to train you to fight, I’ll train you to fight.”