Page 37 of Daddy's Vengeance
“Bend over the side of the bed, with your forearms resting on the mattress.”
Adele moved into position with obvious reluctance, and I felt a tug of pity. It was clear she felt guilty for disobeying me, and the temptation to let her off with a warning was strong. But if she truly wished to be my partner in business as well as my bed, she needed to learn to obey orders without hesitation.
Memories crowded my mind and my heart. But instead of Natalie’s face, it was Adele’s lifeless eyes staring up at me. Adele’s blood staining my shirt as I wept over her body.
No. I would do everything in my power to ensure she never met such a fate, even if it meant blistering her ass on a daily basis until she learned that my word was law.
“Feet apart.” My voice was hoarse, strained with the emotions buffeting me as she shifted into position, her pinkened bottom lifted high for my belt.
“This is a lesson I don’t want to repeat, Adele. Am I understood?”
A soft sniffle preceded her sweet, sad response. “Yes, Daddy.”
Stepping off to the side, I folded the belt over, making a loop with the leather. I fussed with it a bit longer than necessary to get my wayward emotions under control. As pissed as I might have been, I didn’t want that anger clouding my judgment as I punished her.
When I felt reasonably under control, I raised the belt high, and brought it down, whipping the leather across the fullest part of her bottom. Adele’s pained shriek rang out, her fingers clutching at the duvet as a bright pink stripe blossomed across her bottom.
The next was aimed lower, the bottom edge of the belt digging into the sensitive crevice where ass met thigh, sending Adele to her toes, her hips wiggling back and forth in a vain effort to relieve the sting. My cock strained against the zipper of my slacks, eager to sink into the folds glistening between her thighs.
There was no doubt the strapping she was receiving hurt like hell, but her body didn’t seem to mind one bit. Stepping forward, I slid my fingers into her pussy, letting her honey coat my skin. With a quiet moan, she dropped her forehead to the bed, her hips pushing back against my hand, a silent plea.
“Is my naughty girl enjoying her punishment?”
Her only response was a frantic shake of her head, and I chuckled at her attempt at deceit. Was she lying to me, or herself? Either way, what kind of Daddy would I be if I let such a lie stand without repercussions?
“No, she says. Hmmm. So, what is this?” Leaning forward, I pushed my hand in front of her face, confronting her with the evidence of her desire.
“It hurts,” she whined, lifting her head just enough to pin me with the most perfect puppy-dog eyes and pout I’d ever seen.
“Just because it hurts, doesn’t mean you aren’t enjoying it, sweetheart. Now, clean up Daddy’s fingers so we can finish your punishment.”
Confusion filled her eyes for a moment before realization dawned, along with a raw hunger she wasn’t quite quick enough to hide. Her lips parted, welcoming my arousal-coated digits into the warmth of her mouth. Fuck, I’d forgotten how good she was with her tongue. Memories of her, on her knees, sucking me off in her apartment flooded my mind and, for a moment, I seriously considered giving in to the temptation.
But I had a punishment to finish, so both our pleasures would have to wait just a while longer.
“Enough,” I growled, yanking my fingers from her mouth and moving back into position. Three more times in quick succession I brought the belt down across her ass, watching with grim delight as welt after welt formed across her skin.
“You will learn to obey me, Adele.” Another three, drawing a long, loud wail from my increasingly sorry little girl. “You will not put yourself or others in danger just because you do not feel like listening.”
The next set of three loosed a sob, and the sound of it tore at my heart. “I had to go!”
Apparently my lesson wasn’t sinking in. “No, little girl. What you had to do, was follow your Daddy’s instructions and stay home. Someone else could have covered the shift.”
“There was n-no one else.”
“I see. And scrubbing some asshole’s floors was so important, it was worth this?” I laid down another three stripes, the hardest yet, to punctuate my point.
“No, that’s not—” She seemed to catch herself, forcing herself to draw in a shaky breath. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean, Adele? What could be so important it was worth breaking your promise to me and putting yourself in danger?”
“I made other promises first. And I didn’t know it was dangerous because you did not tell me!” Standing straight, she turned to glare at me, tears streaming down her cheeks, but her head held high. “You may not think what I do is important, but it is good and honest work. And I did not feel right leaving them so short-handed at the last possible minute. It was not fair of you to ask it of me, especially without an explanation!”
Fuck. She had me there. “You’re right. I should have told you about the danger, so you would understand why I asked you to quit your job. I’m sorry for that. And I’m sorry for putting you in such an awkward position that you felt you needed to choose between listening to me and fulfilling your obligations to your job.”