Page 43 of Daddy's Vengeance
If he could forgive me, that was.
Annoyed with myself for dwelling once more on my deceit and the inevitable reveal, I opened the app on my phone which allowed me to access my files and the internet without being monitored. One of the tech wizards at our headquarters had explained it to me once, but I’d gotten lost in the sea of tech jargon. All I knew was it was safe for me to search what I needed to search, and even if my phone fell into the wrong hands, nobody but me would be able to access the information.
Giorgio’s file hadn’t been updated to reflect any of the recent developments, which was slightly odd but not alarming. With the chaos of the past few days, no doubt Pierce had his hands full. And paperwork had never really been his strong suit, anyway.
Did I dare search Cole’s name? If Giorgio hadn’t bothered to update Giorgio’s file, there was a chance he hadn’t officially documented the tie between him and Cole, either. My search could, however, alert someone to the connection.
Perhaps that was the answer. If Pierce was the only one who knew how they were connected, all I had to do was convince him to look the other way. Lord knew it wouldn’t have been the first time we’d redacted information in the interest of protecting an asset.
Pushing that problem to the back of my mind for my subconscious to deal with, I focused on locating the meetup for tonight. I had a vague idea of where it was located, but the timing would be tight if Cole insisted on dinner out.
“You’re supposed to be napping.” Standing in the doorway, a smile curving his lips, Cole tilted his head to the side. “What are you doing, naughty girl?”
“Ah.” With a sheepish glance down at my phone, I hit the button to close the app and opened a search window. “I did not wish to bother you, so I thought I would look for somewhere to have dinner tonight. To celebrate, as you said.”
“Did you find anything?”
“No, not yet. I have not been awake very long.”
“Then I’ll leave you to it. I was coming to check on you, but I still have some work to do. Let me know when you pick a restaurant, and we’ll get ready.”
“Actually…” Rolling off the bed, I deliberately allowed the sheet to fall away so I was completely bared to his hungry gaze. “I thought perhaps we could have something brought to us. So we could have a more… intimate celebration.”
Strong hands cupped my ass, pulling me up to my toes. I hissed at the flash of pain from his fingers pressing against the still sore spots from my punishment the night before. Oddly enough, the pain helped to ease some of the guilt I felt at deceiving him yet again.
“That sounds like an excellent plan, sweetheart. I already know what I want for dessert.”
“You already had that for breakfast,” I reminded him with a laugh. Not that it mattered to my pussy, which was again aching to be touched just at the thought of his hands and tongue on me.
“Breakfast, lunch, dinner, second breakfast, elevenses. I could have you every second of every day and still never tire of the taste.”
“Oh.” My heart skittered to a stop in my chest before jumping into a gallop. “That’s a lovely thing to say.”
“I meant every word, Adele. As a matter of fact, I think I might be hungry right now.”
“Daddy!” I shrieked as he pulled me up off the floor, forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist. “You are going to drop me!”
He carried me to the bed, and I scurried away when he dropped me onto the mattress. “As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm for French cuisine, I am starving. We did not eat lunch, remember?”
With an exaggerated sigh, he released me and pulled his phone from his pocket. “All right. But after dinner, you are mine, little girl.”
“Thank you, Daddy.” Rising up onto my knees, I pressed a kiss to his cheek, forcing myself to smile as though my heart wasn’t shattering in my chest. I could only pray when it was all said and done, I would still be his.