Page 6 of Daddy's Vengeance
Carefully sliding my arm from beneath the adorably snoring pile of woman in my bed, I crept to where she’d dropped her purse during our wild ride to the bed. Bag in hand, I paused to watch her as she slept, arms and legs akimbo and her hair a tangled mess.
Shaking off the unsettling rush of emotion the sight filled me with, I grabbed my phone from the pocket of my jeans and slipped from the bedroom, quietly shutting the door behind me. The apartment I was renting came with a small office, so I locked myself in before swiping my phone open to make the call.
I couldn’t help but grin at the gruff, irritated tone. “It’s Cole. I have a job for you.”
“Of course you do,” he answered with a snort. “You ever call just to fucking chat? No. What’s the job?”
“I need you to dig up everything you can on someone. Adele Bernard.” Pulling her ID from her bag, I rattled off the address listed. “She works for Giorgio, but I need to know if she works for Giorgio.”
Before our spectacular fuck session, I’d simply brushed her off as another one of Giorgio’s maids. But after tangling with her, I couldn’t shake the feeling there was something more to her, and I’d be damned if my mission was going to get derailed because I let my cock do the thinking.
“When you say everything, you mean normal everything or deep dive everything?”
“Deep dive.”
“Got it. Going to take a couple of days, and there’s a premium for international.”
It was my turn to snort. “There’s always a premium with you.”
“That’s because I’m the best.”
“Just get me the information. And tell Aunt Scarlett I said hello.”
“I do that and Mama’s just gonna start hounding me about when you’re coming ‘round for dinner.”
Chuckling at the whine in his tone, I shoved Adele’s ID back in her purse. “I’ll call you on the plane when I’m done here, and we’ll make plans. Deal?”
With that chore completed, I made my way to the kitchen for a bottle of water. I downed one while standing in front of the open fridge, then grabbed two more. If I was lucky, maybe I could rouse the little maid for another round before I crashed for the night.
My cock twitched at the thought, already coming back to life. There was no denying I’d enjoyed having her in my bed, far more than I’d expected to. Where I’d been anticipating a pleasant, if boring, romp between the sheets, I’d found a tiger instead. A woman willing to go toe to toe with me until she finally caved to my demands.
If Mikey didn’t unearth anything alarming, maybe I wouldn’t have to kill her after all. The thought of having her in my bed night after night certainly wasn’t an unpleasant one. And when we eventually tired of each other, I’d be perfectly willing to set her up in a condo somewhere stateside and ensure she was comfortable until she was able to build a new life for herself.
Grinning at the idea of having a warm, feisty woman to fill my nights, I dropped her purse on the floor again and set the bottles of water on my nightstand. I crawled onto the mattress and tugged the sheet from her body, chuckling when she growled in protest.
Rolling her onto her back, I nipped at the shell of her ear. “Wake up, sweetheart. Daddy wants to play.”
Iwoke to sunlight on my face and the smell of something I couldn’t quite place filling the air. Rolling, I stretched, relishing the twinge of my well-used muscles as memories of the night before began to replay in my mind.
Scrambling to sit up, I scanned the unfamiliar bedroom and willed the fog to clear from my brain. The bar. The American. Hot, frantic, filthy sex. Twice.
And, judging by how bright it was outside, the best night’s sleep I’d gotten in years.
So much for my brilliant plan.