Page 15 of Surprise Valentine
Isat next to my mother at the brunch table, watching the door for Vivian. My plan was to go get her after I was ready so we could come down together, but Mom intercepted me before I could.
“I see you and Dani’s best friend hit it off,” she said. “Too bad she lives so far away.”
“Yeah.” I nodded absently, spinning a spoon on the table.
I heard laughter and in walked Vivian with Dani and Parker. She looked amazing and one would never guess she’d been up half the night. She looked around the room and smiled when she saw me. She started to walk over to me when Dani’s mom stopped her to chat.
Damn it. We had only a few hours left before I had to leave with my parents and go back to the farm. I’d hoped for a chance to get her alone one last time, but I had a feeling fate was going to intervene.
By the time Vivian got done talking to Dani’s mom, there was only a spot left for her at another table not even near mine. She smiled sheepishly when I turned and caught her eye.
I didn’t say much during brunch, telling Mom I was just tired when she asked what was wrong. We were almost done when Vivian walked by and tapped me on the shoulder. She winked at me and I waited for a few seconds after she left the room before I followed behind her.
I wandered the halls, having no idea where she went.
“Psst, over here!”
Vivian was peeking her head out of the coat check area. I casually walked over to her so i didn’t draw attention to us. When I got close enough, she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the coat room with her.
She threw her arms around my neck and we kissed. Our tongues danced together and I held her tight against me.
“Mmmm...I’ve been dying to do that since you walked into the room,” I mumbled when the kiss ended. I pressed my forehead against hers.
“I’m sorry we couldn’t sit by each other. You probably have to go soon, don’t you?”
I nodded. “Yeah, Mom and Dad want to leave early and get back to the farm. I hate that I have to leave though.”
“Me too,” she agreed. She pulled away and sat in one of the chairs. “We should probably talk about what happened this weekend.”
I sat across from her and took her hand. “Why? There’s not much to talk about really. I had a great time with you, Vivian. You’re gorgeous and sexy and smart, but you’re in Chicago and you love it here. I run our farm and I love it there. As much as I hate leaving you, I can’t wait to get back to where it’s quiet and there’s no people. Let’s not wreck this by saying too much.”
“Great.” She smiled. “I’m so glad we’re on the same page. I had a really great time with you this weekend. An amazing time actually. And really great sex.” She blushed.
“Yes, agreed.” I reached out and touched her face. We were doing the right thing here, being realistic about our relationship, but I don’t know why I felt so sad about leaving her.
“We should probably get back before they send out a search party for us.” We stood up and I pulled her into my arms one last time.
“Take care of yourself, Vivian.” I kissed her gently on the lips. “I’m sure we’ll see each other again.”
“You too, Chip. I’ll go back first so no one suspects anything.”
I nodded in agreement and released her. I watched her walk out of the coat room, my heart heavy.
It was time to go home, get back to work, and forget about this girl.
Epilogue ~ Chip
One month later...
I wason the phone when my dad walked into my office and threw a brochure on my desk.
“Let me call you back.” I hung up the phone and picked up the piece of paper. “This couldn’t wait? I was talking to our feed supplier.”
“I don’t know how I missed this but I think you should go. We need some new equipment and you can check it out at the trade show.” He sat down in the chair across from me. “You can stay with your brother and Dani.”
He had given me a brochure about an agricultural trade show in Chicago in a couple of weeks. It was for two days. I instantly thought of Vivian.
We had tried to keep in touch some since the wedding. We never officially exchanged phone numbers but she got my number from Parker and we would text sometimes. We did quite often right after I left, but as we got back to our own busy lives, it had tapered off.