Page 15 of Play It Again
“In a couple of nights you’ll have the cottage to yourself?” He asked again.
“Yes. To be honest, I think Grandma planned this a little bit on purpose so we could have some alone time. She made a comment the other day about us having such little privacy.”
“Remind me to kiss that woman,” he grinned.
“Be careful,” I laughed. “If Grandpa gets wind of that, he’ll cancel. You know how he is.” Grandpa loved JT, but he still gave him a warning now and again about what he would do to him if he hurt me or did anything bad.
“That I do,” he chuckled. “This gives me something to look forward to for sure. I’ve been dying to have you sleep in my arms.”
“Is that all you have in mind?” I teased.
“Actually, sleep is the last thing on my mind, but I didn’t want to come right out and say it.”
“That’s ok,” I took off his cap and leaned into him for a kiss. “Cause it’s the last thing on mind too.”
* * *
The restof the week was like torture for us. JT was busy at work, staying late most nights. We only saw each other at lunch when he came into the diner and talked on the phone each night.
Grandma was getting worried about leaving me to run the diner alone. They were leaving early on Friday morning and wouldn’t be back until the middle of the morning rush on Saturday. She had a million lists for me and gave me the same instructions over and over again.
I wasn’t worried about the diner; while it wasn’t easy, I could run that place in my sleep. What really frazzled my nerves was the thought of finally sleeping with JT on Friday night. Should I get some sexy lingerie? Even if I wanted to, where would I get it on such short notice? Should I plan anything special?
I finally decided to keep it simple. That’s what worked for us so far, so why change it? I told him to come over after work Friday night. I would cook him dinner and we could go for a swim. I figured we could take it from there.
When Friday morning arrived, I was a ball of nerves. I kissed Grandpa goodbye and helped him into the car. Grandma gave me a hug. “Have fun.” She winked at me and I couldn’t help but giggle. She knew what JT and I were up to tonight even though she didn’t say anything. I gave her another quick hug and assured her everything at the diner would be fine.
Friday seemed busier than usual at the diner, but I was ok with that; it kept my mind off of JT and what was going to happen tonight. We sent a few texts back and forth throughout the day, but neither of us mentioned what was about to happen.
I finally closed up the diner and made it back to the cottage around four in the afternoon. JT had sent me a text earlier, warning me he may be later again because they had a big job come in. I was disappointed, but totally understood. JT was all his dad had and he had to be there for him.
I took an extra long shower, trying to loosen up my tense muscles. I shaved my legs carefully and laughed at myself. I was as bad as a sixteen year old girl who was going to lose her virginity. I didn’t have a ton of past partners, but I wasn’t lacking experience when it came to sex. Why was I so nervous about sleeping with JT?
Because I loved him. There. I admitted it. I loved JT. Should I tell him tonight? What if he didn’t say it back? I didn’t want him to think I was confusing sex and love either.
I got dressed in shorts and tank top after my shower, throwing my hair up into a messy bun on top of my head. I poured myself a glass of wine to help myself relax and went out on the dock to wait for him.
I was almost done with my wine when I heard his truck pull up to the cottage. I swore the butterflies went into overdrive when they heard the rumbling sounds of his truck. I waited on the dock for him and could hear his footsteps get closer.
“Hey you, sorry I’m late.” He sat down next to me on the bench and leaned over for a kiss. He was wearing a faded grey t-shirt and his camo shorts. His hair was damp from a shower and he had decided to forgo the baseball hat tonight.
“That’s ok,” I smiled up at him.
“Got started without me?” He nodded to the empty glass of wine.
“Yep, I needed to relax.”
He put an arm around me and pulled me into him. “Why did you need to relax?”
“It’s crazy, but I’m nervous about tonight,” I admitted to him in a small voice.
“Me too.”
“We should go with the flow and let things happen naturally, right? That’s why we’re so good.”
“True.” He rubbed my shoulder. “That’s one of the reasons I love you; you’re so easy to be with. I can be me and don’t have to pretend or play any games.”
I sat forward and looked at him. “Did you say you loved me?”