Page 2 of Lucky Day
The woman who was headed to order drinks from me was gorgeous with her long black hair and green eyes. She was curvy in all the places I liked and the way her ass filled out her jeans made my mouth water.
She didn’t have to worry though. I wasn’t interested in her number. I’d be interested in sleeping with her, but I didn’t do relationships. My high school sweetheart dumped me for my best friend after our first year of college. That was the last and only time I had a girlfriend. Love was for chumps.
Oh I made sure any woman I slept with knew up front I wasn’t interested in more than a one night fling, but there were always a few that hoped they’d be the ones to change my mind and have a relationship with me.
Not a chance.
“Hi there.” I flashed a smile at her as she came up to the bar and leaned forward, causing her tits to almost spill out of the v-neck t-shirt she was wearing.
“Hi,” she replied with a grin, noticing my gaze distracted and wandering to her chest.
“What can I get you?”
She ordered three drinks for her and the two other girls I saw her come in with. As I made them, I felt her gaze on me, watching my every move. I winked at her at one point and the blush that covered her cheeks was adorable. I found myself wondering if she was taken.
“Here you go!” I set the drinks in front of her and she paid.
“Thank you.” She gathered them in her hands and turned back towards her friends. I watched her walk back the whole time, her jean clad ass making my dick ache.
“Next victim, huh?” My bar manager and best friend Mickey comes over to me. He hates that I sleep around. He ‘s always bagging on me for being a man whore. He’s also married to the love of his life and has two adorable little girls.
“Maybe,” I tear my gaze from her and help another customer. “We’ll see.” I shrug and he rolls his eyes at me before going back to the other end of the bar.
We were busy tonight, but not too crazy. Between Mickey and I, we were able to manage everything without wanting to tear our hair out.
I’d run Murphy’s for the past few years. I grew up in this bar, since my dad owned it and his dad before that. When my dad passed away, it became all mine. I loved running it and continuing my family’s legacy.
I continued to keep my eye on the dark haired beauty drinking with her friends. They didn’t have any guys join them and it appeared like anyone that did try to approach them, they blew off. I did catch her stealing glances at me a few times.
Her brown-haired friend came to order their next round of drinks much to my disappointment. “My friend thinks you’re cute,” she casually stated while I made their drinks. “Her name is Rebecca and she’s single.”
“I think she’s cute too.” I was feeling a little bit like we were back in grade school with our little game. “She should come talk to me.”
“Or you could come talk to her.” She shrugged.
“Maybe.” I was nonchalant, but I was interested in talking to Rebecca more.
“What’s your name?”
This one was bold. I bet she drove her friend nuts sometimes.
“I’m Conan Murphy.”
“So wait, like in ‘Murphy’ like in this bar?”
“Yes, this is my bar. It’s been in my family forever.”
“That’s cool. I’m Victoria and the blonde is Allison. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too. Maybe I’ll head over when I have a minute.”
She nodded and took the drinks back to her friends. I caught them talking and looking at me, so I assumed Victoria was filling her friends in on the dirt I’d just given her.
My other bartender who had been running late made it into work. Mickey and her had it covered and I saw Rebecca head back towards the bathroom. I decided to follow her, waiting for her to finish.
“Hi there,” I said softly as she exited the ladies room, looking down at her phone.
“What the -” She jumped, almost dropping her phone.