Page 12 of Burning It Down
I jumped when I heard the gunshot, but I didn't look. I knew what they were doing. I knew my men were taking care of Bruce.
A few minutes later, the two of them got in the car. Billy was driving, and Charles climbed into the back seat with me and pulled me close.
He glanced at the bruise on my cheek and shook his head. I could see the rage flicker in his dark eyes. “I hate that he put his hands on you.”
I put a hand on his cheek. "I know, but it's okay. You rescued me before something horrible happened."
He kissed my forehead and then snuggled me to him. "You know, Isabella, Billy, and I have been talking. We want you to be with us. We've always shared women looking for that one special girl, and we think you're it. We want to build a life with you and marry you.
“And make sure you’re barefoot and pregnant all the time,” Billy chimed in from the driver’s seat.
I laughed and caught his eye in the rearview mirror. He was grinning from ear to ear.
“Really? Me? You think I'm the missing piece?”
"We know you are," Billy replied. "So, what do you say?"
I didn't even have to think twice. I love these two men with all my heart. I can never imagine choosing between the two of them. But I couldn't say no.
“I say yes!”
I couldn't wait to get our girl home; I was gonna throw her over my shoulder and take her into my bedroom. We would make love to her all night and never let her out of our sight ever again.
I tried not to speed on the way home, but it was hard.
After Charles told her our plans, the rest of the ride was quiet, and when we got up to our penthouse, I pulled her against me. "Why were you at Bruce's? I just have to know."
Isabella's eyes filled with tears. "I thought I could fix this. I thought I could use our history to plead with him and appeal to his emotions. Give you guys back your stuff, and just let me go." She swiped a tear away. "I was such a fool. I should have known better."
I wiped the other tear from her cheek and kissed her lips softly. "It's okay, Princess. We know you meant well, but please don't ever scare us like that again." I laughed and hugged her tight. "Now go take a shower and then meet us in my bedroom. You were very naughty, and we have to teach you a lesson." I winked at her, and she giggled.
As Isabella turned away, I smacked her ass and looked over at Charles. He had a massive grin on his face.
“Sounds like we're in for some fun tonight.”
"You know it."
I was so nervous. We'd been trying to have a baby with Isabella for a few months now. True to Billy's word, we married her within days of getting her back home to us. Billy married her legally, but then we had another ceremony for the three of us. Billy also talked to our lawyers and worked everything out, so it was clear we were a trio.
Other than tracking her cycle with an app, Isabella hadn't done a lot to get pregnant. We were fucking like bunnies but ignored when she was ovulating. We also didn't care which one of us was the biological father. The three of us were a family now.
Isabella was pretty in tune with her body and had told us she felt like she could be pregnant at breakfast. She had some weird symptoms like being really thirsty all the time and some cramping. Billy ran out to get a test before we could even finish eating.
Isabella had peed on the stick, and now we were waiting for the results.
I chewed on my thumbnail. "What if it's negative? What if something is wrong with me?"
Charles wrapped an arm around me. "Don't worry. If we can't do this the old-fashioned way, we will get you the best doctor's around."
Billy came over and kissed her forehead. “You know, Princess, we haven’t even been trying - only not preventing.”