Page 28 of Sexy Dirty Fun
“Get the fuck out of here, Cane,” she whispered, a tear sliding down her cheek. She wiped it away quickly with her hand.
“Now you’re moving onto the managers, huh? Or using him so you can get access to all of the musicians? Going to work your way through every guy on the tour, Lindsey?” I was on a roll now.
She reached up and slapped my face and I instantly regretted what I said.
“If you don’t leave now, I will call the police and say you attacked me. Then I will write a story for Rolling Stone about your ‘wife’. It will be all over the news so fast it will make your head spin,” she said through clenched teeth.
I put my hand on my cheek and backed away from her; guess she could play as dirty as I could. Threatening me with the press was probably the lowest thing she could do.
“Fine, go back to fucking Drew. I hope he makes you scream like I do.”
I walked out the door, not waiting for her response. I was done with her. The bitch was like every other female I met; she wanted something from me and once she got it, she turned into a totally different person.
I stormed down the hallway to the elevator, read to forget all about Lindsey. It was time to get fucked up on an epic scale. On the elevator, I called one of the guys on the crew that was good at hooking me up with whatever drugs I wanted. He was at a party and he gave me the address to join him there.
I caught a cab in the lobby of the hotel, anxious to get there and get high. I didn’t have a show for two more days and I was going to spend those so messed up, by the time I sobered up, Lindsey would be a distant memory.
Ifought back a scream of frustration after Cane left my room. I sat on the bed and took a deep breath. What an arrogant fuck. Where did he get off saying those things about who I slept with? He probably slept with more women in a month than I did in a year.
Hot tears of anger burned my eyes. My head was pounding from all the booze Drew and I had consumed and I was tired from no sleep.
What made me even more upset was the fact that while I wanted to slap the shit out of Cane for being such an asshole, I was also so attracted to him. I had to fight from jumping into his arms and begging him to fuck me.
I grabbed a pillow off of the bed and threw it across the room with a scream. It was going to be a long tour trying to avoid Cane, but hopefully I never had to talk to him again. I flopped back on the bed and threw an arm over my face. Maybe a shower and some food would help.
I called housekeeping to come change my sheets. They were still a mess from my night with Drew and made my room smell like a frat house between the booze and sex. They said they would come in about an hour so I took a long hot shower.
While I was in there, I thought about the two men I had slept in the past few days. They couldn’t be any more different. Cane was full of passion and sex with him was a little rough and animalistic. After a night with him I was sore in places I didn’t know I could be sore.
Drew was a slower lover, more concerned with my pleasure than his own. I suspect part of that had to do with how he felt about me, but I wasn’t sure. I may have opened a can of worms by sleeping with him, but might also be a nice distraction the rest of this trip.
I closed my eyes and leaned forward, resting my head on the cool tile of the shower while the hot water ran over me. Both men were great lovers, but it was Cane that consumed my thoughts despite being furious with him. Maybe the only way to get him out of my head was to go home.
I opened my eyes and finished my shower. I needed to call Rebecca. She would set me straight and give me a verbal ass kicking if I mentioned quitting and going home. Maybe I would convince her to take some time off of work and travel with me. I needed some girl time and a break from all of the testosterone I had to deal with.
When I was done with my shower, I dressed in some shorts and a tank top. I was going to venture out of the hotel finally and find a place to eat after I talked to Rebecca. I was tired of feeling sorry for myself.
I was putting the finishing touches on my make up when there was a knock on the door. I went to open it, thinking it was finally housekeeping. When I opened it, I was surprised to see Drew standing there.
“Hey, Lindsey,” he said, grinning down at me. Before I could even respond, he cupped my face with his hands and gave me a soft kiss. “I’ve missed you.”
Oh shit, what have I gotten myself into?
I smiled back at him, scrambling for something to say. I wasn’t going to lie and say I missed him too. For me, what happened between us earlier was only sex, nothing more. It seemed as though Drew read more into it.
His phone rang and I almost breathed a sigh of relief. “You better get that,” I said and found the remote on the nightstand to turn off the TV.
“Nothing’s more important than you,” he said before pulling his phone out of his phone and answering it. As he spoke, I pointed to the bathroom and mouthed that I would be back. He nodded and I turned my back to him, fighting the urge to roll my eyes.
I went into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. If I was going to use Drew as a distraction from Cane, more alcohol was going to be a necessity. I’m not really sure it was fair to use him like that either. Damn, my life had become a fucking mess since coming on this tour.
I was messing around with my hair, trying to get it into the perfect messy bun when Drew knocked on the bathroom door. “I’m off the phone.”
“Ok, I’ll be right out,” I replied. I sprayed my hair with some hairspray and put my hand on the doorknob. I took a deep breath and opened it. Drew was sitting on the bed and he smiled when he saw me.