Page 36 of Sexy Dirty Fun
“Hello,” I said, my mouth going dry. If he told me I was married to Destiny, I was going to throw this phone across the room.
“Mr. Stephens?” the guy on the other end of the phone replied.
“Yes, this is him.” I wished he would cut the crap and tell me what he found out.
“This is John Douglas calling, the private investigator you hired to find out if you and Destiny were married.”
“And?” Why the hell was he drawing this out? I wanted to yell for him to cut the bullshit but I managed to contain myself.
“Well, there’s no evidence of the two of you married. I check all legal records for her and there’s every indication she’s single. I checked for aliases too and found nothing. I think you’re in the clear at least where marriage is concerned.”
I breathed out a sigh of relief. I was almost positive we weren’t married because no matter how messed up on drugs I was, that was something I would probably remember.
“What a relief! I knew she was lying.” I pounded my fist on my leg and winced a little bit. Wait. I pounded my leg again, this time harder. I could feel my legs again. I tried to wiggle my toes and saw them move a little bit at the end of the bed. Holy fuck!
“Listen, I have to go. Thanks again for you hard work. Just send a bill to the address I gave you when you were hired and someone will get it paid ASAP for you.” He started to say something but I was too busy reaching for the buzzer to call a nurse in I didn’t hear what it was before I hung up.
While I waited for a nurse to come in, I kept poking at my legs with my fingers, even reaching under the covers to pinch myself. I was probably going to have bruises from doing it so hard, but I didn’t care. I was so happy to feel anything again it would be worth it.
“How can I help you Mr. Stephens?” The nurse asked when she strolled in.
“I can fucking feel my legs again!” I shouted, causing her to jump.
“What?” She walked over closer to the bed.
I flung the covers back. “Touch them. Punch them, slap them, whatever. I can feel it.” I slapped my bare leg with my open hand and laughed hysterically when I could feel the sharp sting.
“That’s great!” She smiled at me. “I’ll go call the doctor. Don’t move.” She left and I couldn’t stop touching my legs. I was so overcome with emotion I almost had tears in my eyes.
Diesel came back in with a smile on his face. “Dude, she’s not fucking Drew.” He stopped in his tracks when he saw me. I probably looked like a crazy man with my smile and incessant slapping. “What the hell are you doing?”
I stopped and grinned at him. “I can feel my legs.”
He rushed over to the bed. “What? When?” He looked my legs up and down. “Can you stand up?”
I shook my head. “The nurse told me to stay in bed until she got the doctor here.”
“Holy shit,” he muttered, a big grin spreading across his face. “I knew it. I knew it would all be ok.”
“I know. I was talking to the PI. Turns out Destiny was lying about marriage. Anyway, I was pissed and slammed my fist down on my thigh. It took me a second, but I realized I felt it. I buzzed the nurse in and she’s going to get the doctor.”
“That’s fucking awesome, man,” he said and reached a hand out for me to clasp.
I grabbed it tight and pulled him into me for a half hug. All I could think about was getting back on my feet and back on tour. The God of Rock was coming back with a vengeance and I couldn’t wait.
Six Weeks Later
“So you won’t be home for another four weeks?” My best friend Rebecca whined into the phone.
“No, they’re extending the tour,” I replied, rolling my eyes. She always was such a drama queen.
“Because Mr. Man-Whore is coming back?”
I couldn’t help but laugh at her reference to Cane. I was both nervous and excited Hookers and Hand Grenades was coming back on the tour. I hadn’t spoken to him since he kicked me out of his hospital room. I almost called him a few times, but thought the better of it. I wanted him to get better and didn’t want to interfere with that. Diesel was kind enough to send me text messages with some updates every couple of weeks. I could still remember the day he sent me the one that said Cane had feeling back in his legs. I couldn’t stop smiling all day.