Page 43 of Sexy Dirty Fun
“I'm right behind you. Don't worry.” I took the handle of her suitcase and wheeled it to the door. Damn, that thing was heavy. She had two more bags I was going to ship to her with stuff she wouldn't need right away. She packed way too much shit for the summer.
She got into the limo and I gave her bag to the driver to put in the trunk before following in behind her. We sat together the whole right to the airport not saying a word. I had grabbed her hand and threaded my fingers with hers when we sat down. We each looked out our own windows, lost in our thoughts.
When we pulled up to the airport, a feeling of dread came over me. I wasn't ready to say goodbye. Maybe instead of going on vacation after the show, I would join her in Madison for a few days.
The driver opened the door for us and I got out first. I gave her my hand and pulled her up out of the limo and into my arms. I held her tight against me and leaned down to kiss her. One arm was wrapped around her waist with the other cupped her cheek.
My kiss was soft and gentle at first, exploring her lips with mine. As she melted into me, my need for her got stronger and soon I was ravaging her mouth with mine. I wanted to brand her with my kiss before she got on that plane. I wanted her lips to be sore and her to remember it was me that made them that way.
I finally tore myself away from her, both of us panting. “Cane,” she said, her voice hoarse.
I put a finger to her lips. “It's ok, baby.” I wrapped her up in my arms for one last hug, sure she could feel my raging hard on along her thigh.
“Take care and call or text whenever you want,” I said before releasing her. I kissed her lips again, softly this time. “I'll miss you.”
“I'll miss you too,” she replied, her voice breaking with emotion. The limo driver brought her suitcase over and she glanced down at it. “I have to go or I'll miss my flight.”
“Ok, baby. Call me when you land.” I kissed her forehead and watched her while she dragged her heavy bag into the airport. Fuck, I should have had our last shows cancelled and gone with her.
When I could no longer see her, I scrubbed my hand over my face and got back into the limo. I had a text from her almost right away.
Thanksfor the ride and the ticket. I'll miss you.
I senther a quick reply that I would miss her too but I couldn't shake this feeling of dread I had. I had a bad feeling about her leaving while our relationship was so new. I was probably being ridiculous. In a couple of weeks, I would surprise her and join her and everything would be ok.
It had to be. We finally deserved some happiness.
At least that's what I kept telling myself.
Leaving Cane behind in Denver was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. It seemed like fate was always working against us and I was beginning to doubt we would ever truly be able to be together. A small part of me was also worried he wouldn’t be able to keep his cock in his pants either. At least the tour was ending in a couple of days and he wouldn’t have access to so many groupies.
Maybe I was crazy to even ask Cane Stephens – rock god – to be faithful to me. Really, who was I? I had a bad feeling this was going to end in disaster.
I leaned my head back on the seat while I waited for the plane to take off, remembering our last time together this morning. What I wouldn’t give to be back in bed with him right now rather than on a plane getting ready to go home to see my sick mother.
I was almost never excited to go back to go back to Madison but this time I dreaded it so much it made me sick to my stomach. I loved my parents despite the fact they didn’t approve of what I did for a living and I still couldn’t comprehend the whole concept of my mother dying. They had to be exaggerating or being dramatic to get me back home.
That’s what I kept telling myself. I was so good at denial.
I thought about texting Cane again, but I didn’t want to become one of those needy girlfriends. He was probably busy with band stuff anyway and if I texted him and didn’t get a response right away, I would only worry. He needed his space and usually I needed mine too. The combination of us getting back together only to have me have to leave right away and the news of my mother had me an emotional mess.
When the plane finally took off, I opened my laptop to write, but after deleting almost every word, I decided that was a bad idea. I tried to read a little bit on the kindle, but kept reading the same paragraph over and over again. Maybe I needed a nap. I put some Hookers and Hand Grenades music on my phone, slipped in my ear buds, and closed my eyes, hoping the sound of Cane’s voice would sooth me to sleep.
I must have dozed off because before I knew it, the captain was announcing the plan would be landing soon. I gathered my things and anxiously waited for what seemed like forever while the plane circled before touching ground.
I had to keep myself from pushing people out of the way when they let us exit the plane. I had texted Dad that I when I was landing, but figured I would take a cab to their house so I was surprised to see him standing there waiting for me when I got off the plane.
One look at him and I realized things were as bad as I thought – maybe worse. Dad had dark circles under his eyes from not enough sleep and his clothes hang on him; he must have lost about twenty pounds he never needed to. He had his hands in his pocket. When he saw me, he smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“Lindsey!” He called out when he saw me and his voice broke with emotion. I walked quickly to him, unable to say anything and threw myself into his arms. He hugged me tight and I choked back a sob.
Before I became a writer, I was always very close to my dad. I was the true definition of a “daddy’s girl”. He could do no wrong in my eyes and my mother was constantly rolling her eyes at our relationship. He let me get away with a lot of things growing up. That was a major reason why I hardly ever went home; I hated that I disappointed him.
“It’s bad, isn’t it?” I whispered into him before he released me.