Page 65 of Hell's Reaper
“Hey, Asura. Can we watch a movie now?” Fen says, making me twist around. Oh no. “Oh, are you going out?”
He shakes his head. “Have fun.” I watch him move to the living room. Okay, I did tell him we could hang out this weekend.
I pull out my phone quickly calling Hazen. “Hello?”
“Haze,” I start. “I promised my younger brother—”
“No, Fenric. I promised that I would spend time with him. I’m sorry I forgot, and I can’t—”
“Just bring him,” he answers.
“I love kids. Bring him. It’s lunch. I’ll pay for him too.”
“It’s not the money. It’s… Are you sure?”
“Mhm. Can’t wait to meet him.” He hangs up.
I can’t help but smile. Hazen likes kids? I bite my lip, moving to the living room. “Want free food?”
Fen looks up. “No…”
“You’re not hungry?! Fen! You’re too tiny to not be hungry.” I grab him and throw him over my shoulder. He squeals. “I’m kidnapping you.”
“No! No! My shoes, Asura!”
I stop right before the door. “You need those, huh?”
He laughs as I set him down.
“Hurry up, a hound is waiting for us and when he gets very hungry, he eats kids.”
Fen chuckles. “No, they don’t!” He slides on sneakers that were by the front door. He races to me as I open the door.
“Oh, yeah, what about the Little Red Riding Hood?” I say, wiggling my fingers and chasing him all the way to the car.