Page 69 of Hell's Reaper
My eyes snaps to Hazen. He’s sliding down the slide after Fen… well trying to. “I didn’t know.”
“Yeah. Hazen was the cool kid that everyone loved. He took pity and helped me out a few times.”
“Nothing is a pity to Hazen,” I mention. “You weren’t a charity case to him.”
I shrug. “Yeah. Are you upset that he’s my hound?”
His dark brows are pulling together. “He’s not actually my lover, Asura.”
“I’m saying it because sometimes hounds who grow up together or are close are better pairs. I know you don’t want to be my hound so… I just want you to be able to work with him. You guys already have a bond and it’d be so much stronger than before.”
“Then you can’t be his Soul Reaper…”
I look down. “You know, sometimes I’m nice. It’s up to Hazen too, but if he wants to pair with you, I’m okay with trying to find other guys. I mean, who doesn’t want me?”
I snort. “Sure. I see the way you looked at my ass.”
“What? How—?” He cuts himself off. “You’re sneaky. I wasn’t looking at your ass.”
It’s silent between us but I don’t mind. I’m still watching Fen and Hazen play together.
“He’s a good kid but very bubbly and energized.”
I smile, nodding. “He’s always been like that. It’s insane. We were inseparable even more than me and Killian. Then I left. I’m just glad he doesn’t hate me for it.”
“I think he’s incapable of hating anyone.”
I sit on a swing. Surprisingly, Jigsaw follows. I almost forget he’s the teasing, toxic hound that doesn’t want anything to do with me. “You need to take notes.”
“People suck. I know that for a fact,” he says, very matter of fact.
“That’s true. Push me?”
He scoffs. “Push yourself.”
“I can’t.” I pretend I can’t touch the ground with my toes. “Push me, Jiggie.”
“Swing your legs.”
I suck my teeth. “I don’t know how. Come on. Be a doll.”
He lets out a huff, rounds me, and begins to push.
“Push me higher.”
I hear him grumble, but he does what I say. “Call me Saw, everyone does. Not Jiggie or Jigsaw.”
“Eh, I’m not everyone.”
“Yeah, you’re a spoiled demon who happens to be the next ruler.”
I twist a bit to look back at him. “Yeah, so watch what you say, and would it kill you to kneel before me?”
He grumbles. “I’d never kneel before you.” He moves from behind me, making my eyes follow him back to the bench.
Challenge accepted.