Page 80 of Hell's Reaper
“No!” She throws her head on my shoulder. “How did you get so lucky? I thought Ledger didn’t want to share?”
At the mention of Ledger, I see him moving into the locker rooms to get change. As if he feels me staring, he looks back. He winks at me, lips curling into a smirk.
I roll my eyes, but I can’t stop the smile forming on my lips.
“He likes you,” Amos whispers as if he won’t be able to hear that.
I bump her into the locker rooms. “Stop it.” Apparently, you can kind of see the bruises on my ass that Ledger caused. Either the shorts aren’t long enough, or my ass is too round for them.
Oh well.
Walking out to the gym, I see Inarian sitting alone, eyes glued on Ledger. Ledger stares right back. I don’t understand their lover’s quarrel. Do they hate each other because one is fire and one is ice, or do they secretly want to fuck each other?
The second one sounds nice.
I bump Ledger when I get close to him. I wait until he pries his eyes from Inarian. “Are you guys going to fuck?”
He glares are me.
“Stare at each other any long, you might end up fucking,” I say with a shrug.
“She’s not wrong.” Amos agrees. “I can basically taste the sexual tension.”
Ledger growls, but it rumbles straight to my pussy. The way he looks at me, I can tell he smells it too.
“Not my fault,” I mutter as Mrs. Hill tells us to get to our partners. I watch Ledger’s eyes as I move to Inarian. He’s pissed, but I can tell somewhere he’s happy I’m horny over him.
“Watch it,” Inarian’s rough voice comes as his hands grab my shoulders to stop me from moving. “Once again, head in the fucking cloud of dicks.”
I roll my eyes, looking up at him. “Good morning to you too, Inari.”
“Don’t call me that,” he mutters, moving to our assigned mats.
“So, how should you kick my ass today?” I ask, stretching my body.
He stares at me. “Looks like someone already did.”
I look up, seeing his dark eyes glued on my hip. I know he sees the bruises.
“Did death’s son fuck you up?” He slowly pries his eyes from it.
My eyes drop to his crotch, and I see how hard he is. The sweats barely hide anything. “Looks like someone’s a sadist.”
His eyes narrow. “Fuck you, princess.”
“You want to?”
Without another word, he attacks, fist flying toward my head. I can tell he’s pulling his punches, but still I dodge. I grab his wrist. “Just admit it, Inari.” Seems like I tend to make men pissed off at me a lot but fighting Inarian will help me train and be stronger.
“Stop. Calling. Me. That.” He throws combos and I dodge each and every one.
“Let’s make this interesting.” I grab his wrist again, pulling his large body against mine. “I win this fight; you are my hellhound.”
He pushes from me. “No. I would never work under someone who just got her ass kicked.”
I scoff. “You got hard from the bruises on my hip. I could be getting beat.”
“Wouldn’t be surprised with that hot head over there.” He jerks his chin to Ledger who is sparring with Amos.