Page 16 of Hell’s Flame
“Food that you eat.” He chuckles at his own dad joke.
“Har-har,so funny.” I groan, sitting up.
“I am very funny,” he says, messing with my already messy hair. My head pounds against my skull with just the slightest movement. I wince slightly. “Fac medicinam tuam sumas.” He’s telling me to take my meds as he leaves to go back to the kitchen.
“What are you guys speaking in?” Inarian asks.
“Latin… It’s a habit at this point,” I say with a shrug, pulling all my hair up in a bun. I don’t bother fixing myself much here, I will in the bathroom when I go to take my medication.
It’s good to know that Inarian doesn’t understand Latin. I don’t want him to know about my medicine. After I feel eyes on me, I glance back. I run a hand over my face.Was I drooling? Is that why all four of the hounds staring?“What?! Go eat, dogs.”
Ledger shrugs, standing and moving toward the dining room. Hazen and Jigsaw begin to follow.
“Oh, is that what you were waiting for?” I snort. “Good dogs.”
Inarian rolls his eyes. By the time I stand, the rest are gone. “What medication do you take?”
My eyes snap to him. “You pretended not to know Latin, why?”
“You’ve been off today. No teasing, no bubbly, annoying mood. Why?” His dark blue eyes bare into me. “Are you… Was it the attack on the academy? Did that fuck with you?”
I remember that masked girl who stabbed me in the leg as I was holding Jigsaw, and how his weight crushed my ribs in the railing. “No. Why?”
“Why have you been so nice to us? What is your motive?”
My brows pull together. “Excuse me?”
“What is your—”
I cut him off. “I have a headache, and I do not have to answer you. You’re not my hound, you don’t get to know everything about me.Unlessyou want to be my hound.”
“No,” he deadpans.
“Tunc sapiunt tuo negotio,” I snap.Then mind your own business.
He cocks a brow, moving to me. I have to lean back a bit to look up to him, but I keep my poker face. “Okay, Asura…” He turns and walks away. I see his shoulder blades flex through his T-shirt as he visibly shrugs my attitude off of him.
I move to the bathroom downstairs near Dad’s office and quickly pop the pill. Glancing in the mirror, I see my tan skin is flushed, but I don’t exactly feel hot. My dark brown eyes do lack the usual color that they have when I’m all bubbly. Inarian has me on edge. He already doesn’t trust me.
My head drops back. “Fuck him. I’m being nice to his icy ass.”
I splash water on my face, then dry it off.I’ll be back to normal… soon, right? Did being in the academy during the attack fuck with me somehow? No… I’m strong. Fuck Inarian. He can kiss my ass.Yet I still want him on my side. I want him to be my hound.
After a few minutes, I move from the bathroom and into the dining room. I have a seat next to Fen and Ledger. Hazen is by Saw and across from Fen, his new best friend. Slapping the back of Killian’s neck, I move to slip to the bar, pouring myself whiskey.I’m going to need this.
My father gives me a look, but I ignore it.
I sip the whiskey before moving to a seat across from Inarian. I wink at him, setting my cup down.
Fucker has reminded me who I am. Motherfucking Asura, Princess of Hell.
“Shall we pray?” My father jokes and starts eating.
“Haven’t heard that a million times.” Killian snorts.
The rest of us start digging in. “Where have you been, Kill?”
“My room… Why?”