Page 99 of The Devil You Know
He squints, mulling over my words. “You swore you’d never go for her.”
“I know. I can’t help it. I’m sorry.”
“Harris’ lay up sucks.” Jackson glances at me from the corner of his eye.
My shoulders relax and relief rushes through me. We’ll be okay. He’s not going to keep up this grudge.
He shifts to face me, propping against the railing. “The game’s not the same without you.”
“I never wanted to lose my best friend, either. A girl’s never come between us. But I’d do it all again, even if it always ended the same.” My mouth pulls into a strained smile. “The chance to fall in love with her over and over would be worth it.”
He snorts. “Sounds like a terrible groundhog’s day if you’re just going to lose every time.”
A rough laugh leaves me and I swig my drink. It doesn’t wash away the permanent ache of want that’s taken up residence in my chest. “I’m serious. Loving her is like—like taking on the biggest wave you’ve ever seen and sticking it. When she laughs, when she needs me—fuck, man. All of it. She’s my dream wave.”
Jackson gapes at me. “That’s some simp shit, bro.”
I nod, blowing out a breath. “It’s how I feel about her. I can’t keep it to myself anymore.”
He ruffles his hair. “Sorry. For what I said, and for being a dick the last couple of weeks.”
I hold out a hand. “So we’re cool?”
He smirks and claps his hand against mine, pulling me in for a bro hug. “Yeah. You’re still a goddamn idiot. You should’ve told her this, not me.”
The corner of my mouth kicks up and I look out at the yard when we separate. “I know. I was going to ask her out when I told her we need to stop pretending we’re together. I only pitched the whole fake relationship thing so I could make her fall for me. She agreed to end it so quickly and made sure we’d still be friends. I don’t think she feels the same.” I nod to the house party with my chin. “This is what she wants.”
“That blows.” His brows furrow. “She really gave me hell for getting pissed off with you when I tried to talk to her. Told me it wasn’t any of my business.”
I laugh, my chest twinging sharply because I can picture it. She’s always been fierce and likes to stand up for herself, even when she has both of us to protect her.
“I’ve been keeping a closer eye on her, and something’s been off. Outwardly she seems fine, but I dunno.” He drinks the last of his beer. “I need another. Let’s go back in.”
His words stick in my head. Is she fine? I just want her to be happy.
Jackson pauses inside the door and I bump into him. I’m about to ask what his deal is when I spot Tatum and Simone dancing. Before they see us, he grabs a fistful of my t-shirt and drags me to the kitchen.
It stings that we’ve gone from talking everyday, getting closer in the process, to not knowing where either of us will be at.
“Here.” Jackson hands me a fresh beer.
I finish off the last of mine and stack the cups. While he gets a drink, I edge to the doorway, sneaking glances through the throng of people partying to watch her dance with Simone. Her eyes look puffy. Or maybe I’m only seeing what my mind wants me to see because I’m so attuned to taking care of her.
“CV!” A slap on my back pulls my attention from her.
“Matt. Hey, how’s it going? Feels like I haven’t seen you since move in day.” My neck strains to catch another glimpse of Tatum, but he hooks an arm around my shoulders and pulls me away from the door.
“Good, bro. The parties this semester have been sick, but they’re not the same without you.” He waggles his brows. “You out on the hunt for a fine little something tonight?”
I laugh him off and nod to Jackson. “Nah, but I bet he is.”
“You know it.” Jackson sticks his tongue in his cheek. “The Theta Pi girls are probably out back in the hot tub by now. Let’s go.”
I shoot him a grateful look and edge toward where I saw the girls dancing. My blood runs cold, then hot. Simone isn’t around and Tatum’s standing with some frat boy by the air hockey table watching a game in progress. He leans down to say something in her ear and she laughs. My gut clenches and beer sloshes over the side of my cup from my punishing grip.
It’s not her genuine laugh. Even from a distance I can tell the difference.
I’ve spent all summer learning her body. I know the sounds she makes when she’s about to fall apart with an orgasm. Memorized the little sighs she makes when I kiss her. I’m the one who knows her better than anyone. It should be me by her side, note this Chad from the frat house making her laugh.