Page 34 of Unmasked Heart
“You’re going to make tonight up to me,” Annie declares. She squeezes my hand. “Starting with getting me the hell out of here. I hope you know where we are, because your car’s GPS controls are a piece of crap.”
I pull her close and wrap my arms around her, holding her tight and take a minute to breathe her in.
“No more running?” I ask. “We’ll do this together.”
“No more running,” she agrees.
Leaning back, I cup her face between my palms. “Good.”
I press my lips to hers and swipe my tongue against her lips. She parts them for me and I deepen the kiss. She snakes her arms beneath mine, stealing my body heat while she snuggles closer. A shiver wracks her body as she gives me as good as I give her.
Everything in the universe aligns with our kiss. The fake stars decorating the party have nothing on kissing Annie beneath the real deal.
When we part, I smile at her and tuck her hair behind her ear. She stretches up, using her grip on me for leverage, and plants a peck on the tip of my nose. I gather her close once more and she presses her cold nose against my neck.
“Be the man who charmed me tonight,” Annie breathes against my skin. “But…be the man that drives me crazy, too.”
I drop a kiss on top of her head and nudge her. “Want to get out of here? For real this time.”
“How far is the cabin?”
“A few hours from here.” I check my watch. “If we leave now, we’ll make it by dawn.”
I take her hand and lead her around the car, opening the door for her. Once I get in on the driver’s side, I reach for her hand again and bring it to my lips.
“Watch the sunrise with me?” I mumble against her knuckles.
“Just this one, or are we talking every sunrise from now on?” Annie teases.
I put the car in gear and rest the heel of my palm over the wheel as we drive away from the estate into tomorrow, hand in hand with the woman I love.
We’re in this together now. There are no masks to hold us back.
“Every sunrise.”
She pretends to think about it. I tense and count my heartbeats while she makes me sweat it out.
When I think I might pass out from holding my breath for so long, she grins.