Page 15 of Deadly Scorpion

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Page 15 of Deadly Scorpion


“Itrust that you’re finding the accommodations to your standards,” The familiar voice of my mystery captor came from somewhere near the door to my new hell. Sarcasm dripped as he stepped further into the room.

Somewhere between my pounding on the door and finally giving up, I’d fallen asleep. I hadn’t planned too and I guess I could take solace in the fact that nothing had happened to me while I slept, but every nerve within buzzed, my flight or fight mode was stronger than ever now.

“Not that I had very much of a choice in the matter, all things considered,” I replied flippantly as I scanned the hallway behind Blondie. Didn’t appear to be too many people in the hall behind him but that wasn’t to say there weren’t people I couldn’t see.

Given what I knew bout the Ducane’s and the fact that this asshole literally looked like he stepped off the runway, it was a safe bet that the place would be crawling with all types of low life scum, happily feeding off the scraps their overlords threw them.

He looked at me for a minute and then chuckled. “You caused quite a stir last night, banging and pounding on the door, like a toddler throwing a tantrum.”

Blondie walked further into the room followed by another man, the one that was with him a few days earlier when he met with Alexander, he closed the door behind them. Great, my only route out of here was now closed off. Grabbing a hold of my chin, Blondie’s calloused fingers rough as he turned my face so I had nowhere but his face to look.

“What do you want?” I growled out and tried to yank my face away. There was no denying this guy was hot, if this wasn’t a hostage situation I could have easily gotten lost in his eyes. Sea green, framed with a slight dark blue orbs stared back at me. The Cheshire smile he flashed, told me all I needed to know—he was trouble.

“You’re bold for someone that is completely at my mercy Paige,” his tone was deceptive, it gave off a calming friendly nature, even though I knew he was anything but, especially if he was in business with the Ducanes. “You’d do well to put your attitude in check, little girl.”

“That’s rich coming from someone like you,” I spat back at him, my tone devoid of everything but indignation. I tried again to push him away, thankful this time that he’d taken the hint and let go. My back hit the wall as I tried to create some space between the two of us. “I mean, you’re the one who thought himself entitled enough to take someone and treat them as if they are property.”

“That may be true, yet I’m the only one standing between you and the Ducanes,” He was still calm as he slowly stood up and gestured to the room. “If they had their way, you’d be in a dingy little cell right now, with nothing more than a worn blanket and a bucket. You should show a little gratitude.”

“Gratitude? Let me get this straight, you think you did me a favor by helping that sick fuck kidnap me in order to what break and give me away as some little prize,” I let out an incredulous laugh. He couldn’t be that deluded or self absorbed could he. “Are you smoking crack or something? I mean I get that you’re incapable of realizing this is extremely messed up, but to demand that I be happy you’ve decided to what? Spare me because you pity me? Bitch please.”

With that I got up, skirted around him to make my way to the other side of the room, I didn’t get far before he reached out and grabbed my arm. “You do well to heed my warnings Paige.”

“Yeah yeah yeah, whatevs,” Waving my hand in the air above me, I dismissed his warning. The other guy was yet to move or say anything, instead he just leaned against the door to the hallway, watching as Blondie and I verbally sparred. “You really expect that I’m going to blindly follow what you say and make this whole sordid ordeal easier on you? Yeah I don’t think so, Blondie and you’re deluded if you did.”

“I see what you were saying Blaze,” he turned to Blondie, “she is a mouthy little bitch.”

Oh this was rich, they truly expected me to fall in line. There was no fucking way I’d make this easier on anyone, taken against my own will, by people that senselessly followed the directions of a mad man for their own foolish greedy gains. What prisoner in their right minds would actually do that.

Blondie (well at least I knew his name now), just stood there and stared at me as I walked into the bathroom. The neon light flickered while I stared at my complexion in the mirror. I looked disheveled, bed head was not my finest look, and paired up with panda eyes and a few bruises from last night's struggle, most likely made me look as crazy as my captors.

“You want me to be grateful? Tell me oh great one what is there to be grateful about?” Deciding to address his earlier comment. I walked back out of the bathroom and threw my hands out, there was no way I’d allow either of them to lull me into a false sense of security. “You have me locked in a room with no fucking windows, no sense of time; nothing but a bed and a fucking bathroom. You walk in here calling me by my name, demanding I follow your rules and show respect but you don’t even offer up a name I can call you by. And news flash assholes respect is earned not given.”

I could tell by the way his jaw tightened and made the vein in his neck bulge, that my continued insolence had gotten to him, he could barely contain his anger now. His fist clenched by his sides, his breathing fast and shallow. Before I could say anything else, he was on me, forcing me to retreat. I yelped when my back hit the wall, his brawny arms caged me in.

“You’re truly a foolish little girl if you think I’d let you get away with such brazen behavior,” Blondie’s friend growled, his hand now wrapped around my hair, the grip tight as he pulled my face to meet his malicious sneer right before he threw me to the ground. “You’ll learn quickly, if not it’ll be a ride making you.”

“Eric.” Blaze cautioned him and motioned towards his watch.

I just stared up at him in shock, as he turned towards the door. My knees throbbed from the fall. Maybe I did push him too far but seriously what the fuck did he expect. The only thing I was holding on to now was the belief that my crew would be moving heaven and earth to find me and how stupid I was not to wait for more people to arrive before we started our recon. But most of all, I was regretting my decision to walk away from the safety of my friends and for running from Damon.

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