Page 32 of Deadly Scorpion
Ishould have guessed this little party would be held at the Dolls House. I mean why hold it in a classy establishment when you could invite the scourge of society to a place and ply them with alcohol while throwing pussy at them.
“No one is to drink,” I turned to my guys, even as the words left my mouth I had doubts about whether I’d be able to stick to the order. I wanted them to be alert at all times tonight, I had no idea what we were walking into. We’d seen the floor plans for this shit hole, and had been inside once or twice since we’d arrived in Claymore but we were not as familiar with it as I'd have liked. “I want eyes on all our targets, if an opportunity should arise, we take who we can.”
“Damon, Blaze said not to cause any trouble,” Madden reminded me of the conversation we’d had. And yeah of course I know I was asked not to cause waves, but it won’t stop me if the opportunity comes my way.
“Don’t care,” I said as we made our way to the entrance of the club. I had more Scorpions waiting in vans not too far from the club, waiting for our signal. “We both know if given the chance they’d try to strike a deal to get out of anything the Feds try to pin on them, I won’t be letting them get away with taking Paige or with the shit they’ve put her through.”
Madden didn’t say anything after that, just nodded his head. They’d all been treading lightly around me since the live stream. Madden had pointed out several times that it hadn’t been my fault nor was it Paige’s and the volatility of the situation had led to everyone having to do things that they normally wouldn’t. Deep down I knew he was right but it did not stop the way I felt.
There were people everywhere inside the club. They had really gone all out for tonight’s event. The booths had been overhauled, the tables had been fitted with poles, I guess Ducane had decided to make sure everyone had their own private entertainment for the evening. Gone was the dark purple and blue lighting, replaced with warm yellows and pinks.
Banners promoting the fight were hung all over the club, just to the side of the entrance into the main floor, was the weigh in area. Gone was the smell of cheap perfume and alcohol replaced with the scent of vanilla mixed with spice. On the main stage was a cage decorated with some sort of sheer material. Inside was a small chaise lounge. Seeing that cemented the fact that we’d have no way to get to Paige tonight. She would be on display for all to see.
“Welcome gentlemen,” A short blonde greeted us with a huge smile, she took a moment to eye each of us. She wasn’t hard on the eyes, and if things were different she may have been a little fun to tangle with. “Welcome to the Doll’s House, if you would follow me I’ll get you all weighed in then you will be free to mingle.”
Looking around the room, all the women in attendance were scantily dressed, their shirts were white and could barely be described as midriffs, they wore red tartan skirts that left nothing to the imagination, white knee high socks with black heels. The best way to put it was they looked like naughty school girls, I doubt any of them were even legal, and given what I knew of Alexander, it would be a safe bet they weren’t.
“Make sure none of our guys touch these girls unless they can guarantee they are legal,” I whispered to Madden, there was no way in hell I wanted to get caught up in any felony charges when it came to minors and I wasn’t naive enough to think that my men wouldn’t take a chance to get their dicks wet if it presented. I remembered what my father told me they did to rock spiders in prison, I wanted nothing to do with that shit.
“Got it,” Madden acknowledged then passed it along to the others. The age thing may not have bothered the others in attendance, but it did me. I made a mental note to bring it up with Blaze before this all ended. If we could help these girls out too it would be an added bonus.
After the weigh-in we were shown to our booth for the night and had to hand it to Ducane, he certainly knew how to poke the bear. We were placed right in front of the main stage, it was a great use of psychological warfare. From our booth we had a great view of the VIP section too. One of the first floor balconies had been lit up, I assumed to make sure the rest of us knew who’d be in charge.
Standing there looking down over his little perverted empire was the man I despised more than anything. Alexander stood there drinking some sort of amber liquid, staring straight at me, telling me he was well aware of who I was. I wanted nothing more than to wipe the sadistic smile from his face but I’d have to bide my time.