Page 1 of Shattered Dreams
Phoenix age 12, Logan age 13
“Come on Phe, don’t be a chicken,” Kyle hollers from the middle of the lake. “Jump in already.”
“Leave her alone butthead, it’s her first time doing this.” Logan embraces me in a warm hug before pulling back and looking me in the eyes. “You got this Phe, take the rope, and just swing out. Once you’re over the water, just let go.”
Releasing a breath, I nod at my best friend before grabbing the rope swing. Pushing off my back foot, I take off running, hoping to gather as much speed as possible. Just as the edge of the small embankment approaches, I take a leap, jumping in the air.
From the shoreline, I can hear Logan cheering and whooping, a huge smile erupting from my face as I turn around to look at him. When I think I am far enough out, I let go of the rope. Squealing as I plummet down into the water.
I sink like a stone when I break the surface, but a large hand is wrapping around my wrist and pulling me up. It hurts, but I can’t scream out. I can see Logan’s wide smile from the top of the embankment, the hand around my wrist now circling my waist and pressing me back into his body.
“Smile for him, Phe, he’s so proud of you.” I didn’t like the way he held me; I tried to squirm away, but his throaty chuckle in my ear made it seem like he was enjoying the struggle more than he should.
“Stop, just let me go.”
“Can’t do that Phe, you’re under my skin now.” He shoved me away as Logan approached.
“I told you, Phe, wasn’t that so much fun?” he looked between the two of us swimming, completely oblivious.
“I’m ready to go.” I practically ran to Logan, my lifeline, my best friend.
“We just got here though, what’s wrong?”
“Yeah, Phe, you just got here. You don’t want to ruin loverboy’s day, do you?” I hated it when he called Logan, ‘Loverboy.’ It always left my cheeks red.
“Just a little while longer Phe, please! For me?” I sighed and nodded, watching him race to the top of the embankment once more. I pulled a towel tightly around my shoulders as the snarky asshole brushed past me, letting his fingers trail along my arm uncomfortably.
“Don’t worry so much, Phe, as long as you can be a real good girl for me, Logan’s going to be just fine.” He leaned in and brushed a wet strand of hair from my face, tears burning the backs of my eyes.
“Did you see that flip?” I heard Logan crash through the water, but I couldn’t think about anything but getting dressed and going home.
“Yeah, Lo, I saw it.” I lied. I was getting too good at lying to him, but what else could I do?