Page 28 of Shattered Dreams
Chapter Twenty-One
It’s been another hellish week at school, but I’ve made it to Friday. After the bathroom incident last week, I’ve really been on edge. I’ve tried to figure out who could have been behind the message on the mirror, and I don’t think it was Logan or any of his friends. They’ve pretty much left me alone this week. Although now, I’ve been getting these strange notes and gifts wedged into my locker, it just doesn’t feel like Logan’s crew.
At first, I thought it was a secret admirer, but then the notes started to become more unhinged, and as the week progressed, the presents started getting weirder. This person is obviously a sicko, and they are making me a nervous wreck. I thought maybe a jealous Taylah could have had a hand in the new ‘torture Phe’ plan, but this feels much darker than even her special brand of crazy.
The constant thoughts and fears running through my head have made it impossible to get a decent night’s sleep. Images swim in and out of my consciousness every time I close my eyes, demanding I make some sort of decision on which boy I have the strongest feelings for. I don’t know.
I can still feel Stryker in every fiber of my being while dying to know what it feels like when I finally break through that calm and collected exterior Jonah wears. And Logan? God. He may set me on fire every time he touches me, but only to watch me burn in delight.
“Hey, Phe. You got a sec?”
Glancing up from my locker, I find Jonah leaning next to me. “Sure, J, I’ve always got time for you.” I smile as I shut the door.
“I wanted to know how you’ve been, you know, after what happened over the weekend?”
“Ah … yeah … about that. I’m sorry I ran out like that, but I couldn’t handle being there after what happened. It kinda freaked me out, but I’m okay now. Truly.”
“That’s good,” he’s smiling now, and I can’t help but be taken in by how hot he is. “So, I do have another thing to ask you.”
“Oh, really?” What is he up to? Why is he nervous all of a sudden?
“So … you know … that party tomorrow night?” he looks awkward as hell right now, and it’s kinda cute. He is always the one to be so confident but seeing him fidget like this makes me want to giggle.
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Well, I’m sorta wondering, if maybe you would kinda like to go with me, like on a date?” OMG, was he really asking me out?
As I go to answer, he holds up his finger before he continues. “I wanted you to know I’m interested, that I’m into you, but I want to put the ball in your court, and I’ll be here when you’re ready. I just thought I would give it a shot.”
“Jonah,” I step toward him, taking his hand in mine, “I would love to go to Dean’s party with you.” Pushing up on my tiptoes, I give him a quick peck on the cheek.
Leaning into my mirror, I blot a bit of makeup under my tired eyes. Sleep eludes me, yet again. I spent hours thinking of dating Jonah, wondering if what I feel for Stryker and Logan would go away if I threw myself into a relationship.
I wasn’t even sure if I wanted those feelings to go away yet. I do know if I’m doing this dating thing on my own terms, I don’t plan to rush any decisions.
I pulled at the fabric of the tight-fitting top I’d tried on three different times. I hated this nervousness. Jonah has seen every outfit combination I own at this point, but I can’t stop second-guessing myself. I reach for my phone and pull up Cami’s number. I need so much help.
“Heya, Phe. Wassup?” always sounding chirpy, Cami answered on the first ring.
“I … ah … need to ask a favor, Cami.” God, this was hard. I’m so bad at this.
“Sure thing, Phe,” there was no hesitation in her voice, more like it was filled with curiosity. “What’s got you all twisted up?”
From her light chuckle, I was wondering if maybe she already knew and was waiting for my call. It’s what Angel would do to me every time she went out with a new guy. She would call me and go on and on about how excited she was and what she was wearing or what they were doing. Sometimes I felt jealous, and other times, I just didn’t want to know.
"Well … ahh Jonah … kinda ... sorta asked me out.” It came out rushed as if it were all one word. “I need your help with getting ready.”
“Took you long enough to ask for help.” She was giggling again. “We are already one step ahead of you, babes, J told us last night. Luca and I are already on our way over.”
True to her word, she and Luca showed up fifteen minutes later.
“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you,” throwing my arms around them both.
“Chill, Phe. You’re acting like you’ve never been on a date before.” I’m guessing the look on my face told her everything she needed to know.
“Nooooooooo, Phe. Tell me this isn’t your first date?
“Well … um … about that.” I try to avoid eye contact with her. “You see, I’ve never really been interested before, so I didn’t feel the need, what with dancing and all.”
Glancing over at Luca, they seem to be having a silent conversation. Nodding at each other, they turn back to me. “Phe, get your things. We’re taking you to do this right.”
Good lord, what have I gotten myself into?