Page 35 of Shattered Dreams
“You can’t be serious, man?” I laugh. What has gotten into him? “You know what she did—why she deserves to suffer. I can’t stop now, and I won’t be telling her about the stalker. I have that handled. Why the sudden change of heart? You have a thing for her or something?”
“That’s just it, Logan, you don’t even fucking know the truth. The boys and I were going off the shitty information you were told, but I don’t think you have a clue.” He’s really starting to piss me off with this bullshit. “Face it, Logan. They lied to you. Christ, man, she compared you to your cousin on Saturday night, or did you fucking miss that?”
“The only thing you know is how bad you wanna get your dick wet. You’ll believe fucking anything.” I deadpan. I’m not about to let him sit here and tell me I’m wrong. He wasn’t fucking there. He never met Kyle. My cousin was a good guy, she took him from me, and I’m just supposed to forgive and forget? If anyone is blind, it’s him. “Answer my goddamn question Stryker. You want her, don’t you?”
“You’re so blinded by this need for revenge you’re failing to see what is right in front of you. You can’t see past your own needs. She has never changed her fucking story. Not once, yet you keep hitting out at her. What have you looked for that didn’t come from your family? Everything you’re doing to her is based on what you’ve been told by people that aren’t impartial. You’re so hell-bent on making her pay you haven’t taken the time to look into things more.”
“I haven’t looked into it? I’ve done nothing but look into things. There isn’t much to find, records are sealed, and you know that.”
He was starting to really piss me off now. What right did he have to question my motives? He’s my friend, not hers. He should be standing by me, not fighting me every step of the way. It’s starting to feel like I’m actually losing my friend.
“You’re deluded, Logan. If you think you don’t feel anything else but hate toward her, you’re sorely mistaken, but then what are you going to do huh? What is the great Logan Ducane going to do when he realizes that instead of attacking the only person he ever fucking loved, he should have been there helping her rebuild herself? What are you going to do when you actually find out your cousin was a piece of shit?” The fuck did he just fucking say? Who the hell does he think he is speaking about my cousin like that? “What are you going to do when it’s too late to fix things?”
“You don’t know shit, Stryker.”
“What I’m saying is, if you don’t back down, we can’t be friends.” He stands from the table, pausing to pull his phone out and stares down for a moment. “And to answer your question, Logan, yes, I do like her, and I’m going to be there for her if she’ll let me. If that means turning my back on you, then so be it, but I really hope you change your mind here, man. She needs more than just me, and you know it.”
Pulling something out of his pocket he throws it at me and adds, “She wanted me to give you this, I haven’t read it, but I think you should.”
With that, he leaves me sitting here, my blood boiling with rage. I can’t believe her lies and deceptions have managed to come between my best friend and me. I shove the note in my pocket for reasons I don’t understand, because let’s face it, I’m not interested in what she has to say. What I’m interested in is finding her and making her pay.