Page 41 of Shattered Dreams
Chapter Thirty
Iknew something was wrong when Phe hadn’t arrived for lunch. She had a free period earlier and was studying in the library. Making my way, I saw Nate and Ethan running toward the stairwell. I had a sinking feeling that something bad happened. Picking up my pace, I’m the first to arrive. There laying at the bottom of the stairs unconscious, was my beautiful little spitfire.
Leaning over her, I gently tap her cheek, calling out her name, desperately trying to get a response from her. I knew I should have just met her at the library. I knew there were people out to get her; she had already told me about the notes and the strange gifts showing up in her locker. I should have gone to get her, and now she’s hurt.
“Who would do this to her?” concern was thick in Cami’s voice. Looking at her friend, I could tell she’s worried and has more to say, but at this moment, my only concern is making sure Phe’s going to be alright.
“L ... L ... Logan,” she stammered as she started to stir, her eyes fluttering open. Wincing as she tried to sit up.
“Lay still Spitfire, we don’t know what injuries you have or how long you’ve been out.” I want nothing more than to pull her into my arms, but I don’t want her getting up until the school nurse comes and checks her out. The last thing she needs is any more injuries.
“He was in here just before I was pushed. He said something about stairs and pushing me.” Her eyes swell with tears as rage takes over my body. I’m trying to remain calm for Phe, but the mention of Logan has my blood hot. I want justice, but it will have to wait for now. Some things are more important.
We haven’t spoken to each other since the day I met him at the diner, and although I missed my friend, I wouldn’t stand for him hurting my girl. I will find him and make him pay for what he just did, but making sure Phe’s alright is my top priority. As the nurse checked her over, I gathered her things and handed them to Luca.
“Take these to my car. I’m going to take Phe home. There is no way she’s staying here today,” I tell her, leaning down to pick Phe up. She may appear to be strong, but I’m sure this left her shaken. She doesn’t need to be here, where people will be gawking and pointing at her for the rest of the day. Turning to Jonah and Nate, “I’m going to take her to my house. If Logan did push her down the stairs, she isn’t safe at his house anymore. Meet us at Logan’s so we can get some of her things.”
“Yeah ... okay,” was all that Jonah said. He is clearly not happy about me taking her, but frankly, I don’t give a shit. If it were my choice, I would tell him to fuck right off, but it’s not, it’s hers. I understand their reluctance to trust me, but right now, I don’t really care. All I care about is getting my spitfire out of here.
“Look, you don’t fully trust me, I get that. I did a few things I still need to make up for, but I won’t hurt her. I want to keep her safe,” almost pleading for them to give me the same chance she did. “Once she’s settled, we will talk about how we’ll deal with Logan. You guys want to make him pay, and so do I, but she needs to be in on any decisions that are made. This has everything to do with their past, and he doesn’t know the whole story—none of us do. When we get back to my house, I’ll tell you everything. But the rest is up to Phe.”
“Is she okay to leave?” I ask the nurse.
“Yeah, she should be, but keep an eye on her for a while. Don’t let her sleep for more than two hours at a time. If she starts to show any signs of concussion, take her to the ER. There doesn’t seem to be too much damage from the fall. She has a nasty bump on the head and a few scrapes. The bruising is starting to show up already,” she replies, listing all the things I need to look out for. I turn to Phe as the nurse speaks directly to her. “Take it easy for the next few days, Ms. Brooks. If you start to feel nauseous or dizzy, please tell someone, alright?” With that said, we get ready to leave.