Page 33 of Was I Ever Here
Chapter 20
LenixandIspillout of the taxi, half-drunk from pregaming at her place while getting ready for the club. We’re both off tonight, and there’s only one sensible way to celebrate. And that’s to get drunk at a bar other than the one that pays our bills.
Lenix waves goodbye to the cab driver as I riffle through my purse for my lip balm. The streets are packed with people as we walk up to Vinyl.
We rarely come out to this neighborhood, but after what happened between me and Byzantine in his office, I needed a change of scenery. Most importantly, I need overpriced gin and sodas, loud blaring music, and maybe someone to make-out with.
Lenix listened with rapt attention, her mouth agape with equal shock and fascination as I told her what Byzantine had done—or promised to do. I happened to omit one thing—the sentence that still rings so clear in my head.
You’ll be mine again.
But tonight, I’m filing it all under lock and key in the deep recesses of my mind, determined to forget about it while I distract myself by flirting with the entire club—if I so happen to feel like it.
I picked out a black nylon bodysuit to wear, paired with the shortest jeans shorts I could find in my closet. I know I look hot, and I’m going to use it to my advantage for the distraction of a lifetime. Lenix didn’t hold back either. People can’t help but to gawk while she saunters up to the bouncer, her neon pink heels and black bodycon dress turning heads.
She knows the bouncer, which is why we’re here in the first place. She leans over and whispers something in his ear, causing him to smirk and step aside, letting us skip the line. She gives him a quick peck on the cheek and I follow her into the club, thanking the bouncer with a nod on my way in.
The club is packed even on a Wednesday, and I let out a long happy sigh when the deep bass spilling out of the speakers hits my bones, causing me to finally relax.
Lenix grins and takes my hand, weaving us through the club and leading me to the bar. Once there, we squeeze into the tight crowd to lean our elbows on the bar, and order a round of drinks and shots,
This is my first time here so while my best friend is busy texting god knows who, I take a look around. The theme of the club is dark and moody. Deep booths with large black cushions are strewn around the back wall, and the dance floor takes up most of the main floor, the only pop of color in this place is the neon light show above.
I glance up and notice the second floor is cordoned off. Must be the VIP section. Because of the way the lights are set up, I can only see the outline of the people upstairs. Not that I really care, it's certainly not what’s calling my name tonight. It’s the dance floor as always.
“Let’s have another shot and go dance, the music's too good to stand around,” I yell over the music to Lenix as she stuffs her phone into the side of her bra. She always refuses to bring a purse when we go out.
Her eyes light up. “Okay!”
She waves the bartender back over and orders two more tequila shots. We pay and down them fast. Then, it’s my turn to pull her through the crowd, and right into the middle of the writhing, sweaty bodies.
The alcohol tingles through my veins as I close my eyes and soak in the drumming beat of the song blasting through the speakers. I drape my arms over Lenix’s shoulders and her hands wrap around my hips, tugging me closer to her body.
We sway back and forth with the beat, our hips grinding against each other while we both get lost in the music. We haven’t hooked up in ages, but her body against mine is familiar—safe—and I slowly let my guard down.
That’s when a strong hand around my arm pulls me out of my reverie, forcing me to swivel around. The breath is knocked out of me when I realize who’s holding on so tight, his light green eyes nearly black as he stares straight at me.
“Byzantine…” His name is lost in the swell of the crowd while I lose all sense of reason. He looks over to Lenix, whose shock matches my own. Rage vibrates off of him as he points a finger over my shoulder to her.
“You stay right there,” he barks and unceremoniously pulls me out of the crowd. I stumble behind him, struggling to keep up.
Lenix is hot on our heels. “Like hell I will!” she yells at him.
But Byzantine ignores her small barks of protest as he leads us to the stairs up to the VIP area. “Let her go Byzantine! I swear to god, I’ll have you kicked out. I know the bouncer—”
We’re halfway up the stairs when Byzantine stops and turns around to face her. Meanwhile, I’m still too shell-shocked to even mutter a single word.
“You mean Hugo?” Byzantine grins. “Considering I’m the one who hired him, I’m sure I’ll bejustfine.”
Lenix sputters out a retort, but realizes quickly she’s on a sinking ship. As soon as we hit the second floor, Byzantine turns to her, pointing to the booth where Connor is busy making out with a brunette.
“You sit right there and mind your fucking business,” he orders.
She glares at him, but says nothing and slinks over to the booth, sitting as far away as possible from Connor, arms crossed and pouting like a petulant teenager.
Byzantine’s grip on my arm doesn’t lessen as he drags me over to a private room near the back.