Page 14 of Going Dark
"She is a beautiful girl, Ace. One day you're going to have to make peace with someone taking her home with them though."
Well, I like him again even if he doesn't have the sense God gave a goldfish.
"You shut your mouth, Roche!" Ace moves closer to Steve. Steve doesn't take the bait instead raises his arms in surrender.
"All I'm saying is she is too pretty a girl to think she isn't going to be snatched up by someone wanting a hot wife to keep them warm at night."
Steve must be suicidal. That has to be why he is pushing Ace. Ace jolts at Steve and the two men go down with fists flying. Both men are about the same height and weight and are evenly matched. It is going to be a toss-up on who is coming out the winner. They tumble into each other and all I can see are fists and shirts being grabbed. I see them roll towards an end table that my grandmother gave my mother and let out a scream that would bring down a house. Both men look at me.
"Oh my God! Not my furniture! If you two idiots want to fight take it outside." Ace yanks away from Steve and stands to look at me. His lip is busted and the skin around one of his eyes is swelling and turning black. Steve has a cut above his eye which is gushing blood so badly I don't know how he can see to fight and a bruise is blooming on his jaw.
"I would spit but I have too much respect for her." He looks over at me for a second. "That and my momma taught me better."
He turns and walks off leaving Ace looking at him with hell in his eyes. Ace isn't done.
"I want him off the assignment."
"What do you mean you can't? Take him off of watching my sister! Put someone else on her." Ace is so mad he has a vein popping out of his forehead now. He isn't paying any attention to me again. I don't want to be bratty but I can definitely tell I have had his attention all on me, nonstop, for weeks.
"I can't. And I won't." Jim walks off and Ace follows behind him still asking him to take Steve away from Ana. And I'm left standing in the empty living room with papers scattered everywhere and a chair flipped over wondering if this is what being with Ace is really like. Is it going to be all fun and laughs one moment, violence the next, only to be left empty and destroyed in the end? Is it worth it?
I'm coming back late as fuck to the house. I couldn't make Jim take Steve off my sisters protective detail and that burns me up inside. The last thing I want my baby sister to do is to fall in love with someone like me. I don't want her around someone who has killed and will kill again given the situation. I know it's fucking stupid for me to be all upset about it and to be such a fucking hypocrite about something like this but I am.
Hell, I want better for Evie. It's what kept me away from her sweet ass for so many years. Those two girls deserve better than men like me and Steve. They deserve someone unfucked up without any baggage. Were it not for my Uncle Ivan and Aunt Kat I wouldn't even think of being with Evie. I pushed her away for years, hurting her in the process. But Ivan and Kat make it work and Kat is happy with my uncle. If someone like Kat can be happy with Uncle Ivan, who’s way worse than I am, then maybe someone like me can make Evie happy too.
Granted, today wasn't the best example of showing her I'm mature enough to handle big people problems. I acted like a fucking asshole. I finally chased Steve down and apologized to him. He wants my sister. I can tell by the way he talks about her and his eyes when someone else talks about her. They light up and get intense as hell. I know the look because for the past five years I've been walking around with a matching one on my face any time someone mentions Evie.
We went out together and got a drink before I went to the hanger where I keep the plane I'm restoring in. It's a vintage World War II fighter plane I've been working on for years and I am nowhere near finished. One day though, maybe, I will have it up in the sky again. I figured hitting something metal might go a long way in helping me let some shit go. But it isn't metal I want to hit. I want to be pounding into a soft body made just for me. I want to watch as my dick disappears in her fresh little pussy she's kept safe just for me.
By the time I get back and say hello to my two friends working downstairs all I can think is getting to Evie. It's not a good thing that my control is teetering dangerously close to the edge. I slowly walk to the door of her bedroom and look in. Ana is staying with her tonight. It is the only thing keeping me from going into her room, crawling in bed with her, and finding out if she is as innocent as I think she is. Only one person is lying in her bed though and I can tell by the shape that it isn't Evie. So where the hell is Evie?
I look at the bathroom door and the pull to find her is all-consuming. I walk to the door and listen. I hear what sounds like someone taking a bath and try the door. It's locked but locks won't keep a man like me out. I hear a small, sweet voice on the other side of the door.
"Um, can I help you?" Evie is in there and even though the door is locked I am getting through this door to my lady. I bend down and start picking the lock. It is really too simple a lock to offer any security. In no time I have the lock popped and the door open. I slip in and see her back is to me. I'm not sure if she realizes I've gotten in yet but she soon will.
The tub is something Evie's momma splurged on; huge, round, and easily able to fit two people in it. It is in the middle of the room with a shower on one side and the toilet on the other. The tub is surrounded by a curtain which cuts off a good part of the visibility towards the door so she might not have seen me yet. I walk quietly towards her hoping to get to her before she sees me and screams. I bend down behind her just as she turns her head.
The little yelp I stop with my palm would have been enough to wake the whole house. She stiffens up for just a minute until she realizes it is me who has her.
"Relax, baby, don't be too loud. The last thing we want is for everyone in the house to come running in here and see this glorious little body."
Her arms had already gone up to her chest to try to block my view of her breasts and her knees have come up out of the water so I can't see anything else either. She has her hair piled on top of her head and some of the candles that are spread out all over the room are lit. The light is dancing across her face making her even more beautiful than normal. All of her creamy skin is on display for me and my mouth is actually watering with the urge to lick and suck all over her.
"Ace, what are you doing here?" She turns her head to look at me.
"I live here now, baby. Or did you forget that."
"I meant what are you doing in the bathroom...with me!?" she hisses out.
I run my hands up her arms and over her wet shoulders so I can squeeze and massage them for her. I run my lips over the smooth line of her neck and nip at her ear with my teeth. She shivers and I don't know if it is the massage or the nibble that has her worked up.