Page 3 of Lex
But then I remember the rules.
I don’t obey rules, not when it interferes with me devouring my wife’s body. My thumb grazes her bottom lip as she releases a sigh.
“And rules were made to broken, sweetheart.”
The younger children finally fall asleep after what can only be described as a hectic night.
Thankfully, none of them cried for their parents. Instead, it was quite the opposite. They were excited to be sleeping over, and energy levels took a while to dwindle until we managed to bathe them and read multiple stories, waiting until gentle snores graced the room.
I’d forgotten just how exhausting children can be, but I make a mental note to keep it to myself and not show Charlotte my weakness.
“Okay, kids are exhausting.” She lets out a long-winded breath, closing her eyes momentarily. “How did we raise four girls?”
My lips curve upward into a smile. “You are supermom, that’s how.”
“C’mon, I couldn’t have done it without you. Addy’s soccer games? How you had the patience for that is beyond me.”
“I gladly took Addy’s soccer games over Ava’s ballet lessons.”
Charlotte snorts. “All fun and games until they hit puberty, and those activities were no longer fun. I can’t recall the last time I’ve seen Ava perform a pirouette.”
We walk a few steps to the room Ashton is sleeping in. Amelia recommended separating the boys for our own sanity. Apparently, if they’re sleeping in the same room, you’re guaranteed one will wake the other one up at some god-awful hour then a fight will break out due to exhaustion.
My hand rests on the doorknob as I knock with the other gently.
“Hey, buddy, still awake?”
Ashton turns to his side, resting his face in his hands. “I’m just thinking.”
I glance at Charlotte, wondering what a five-year-old thinks about that doesn’t involve monster trucks or dinosaurs. Amelia mentioned his Pokémon obsession, something I was forced to learn when Will was a young boy and went through the same stage.
We both sit beside Ashton, careful not to squash him.
“Thinking is sometimes nice to do alone,” Charlotte assures him.
Ashton purses his lips with his wide blue eyes staring back at us. It’s not unusual for Ashton to stay the night, so we decorated this room just for him. He chose the colors and theme. It’s nice to see other colors used besides pink.
“Did you know I have another Mommy who lives in heaven?”
My eyes fixate on him, careful not to swing to Charlotte like a desperate man calling for a life jacket. The voices in my head are running rampant, unsure how to respond to such a loaded question. Yet, my smile remains fixed, praying Charlotte is the first to respond.
“Yes,” she simply says with a smile. “You’re a very lucky boy to have two mommies.”
Ashton's expression remains blank, not giving us any indication of how he is feeling about this.
“Daddy and Mommy said I was so special, they had to take me home because they were so sad without me.”
I nod, the only response I’m able to make. “Yes, it’s true.”
Charlotte moves the loose strand of hair away from his forehead.
“There are so many ways to be part of a family,” she tells him softly. “And I thank God every day he chose you to be part of our family.”
“But if God chose me to be part of this family, why can’t my other mommy stay too?”