Page 2 of Just Once
“Mmm,” I say. “Soup sounds delicious. It’s so chilly out.”
“I’m trying out a new recipe,” my mom says. “It should be ready in about an hour.”
“Sounds good,” I say. “Hey, by the way, I thought of a few good scary movies we could watch later tonight. They’re both from the ’80s, and they’re probably going to be pretty cheesy, but they look really fun too.”
“Actually,” says my mom, “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you before, but there’s a party your dad and I are going to this evening. Your father’s new business partner is hosting it. You’re more than welcome to come with us, of course.”
“Oh,” I say. “Okay.”
My mom looks over at me. “Are you upset, honey? I know we have a tradition of watching scary movies on Halloween. But it’s important that we go to this party. Dante is vital to your dad’s business now, and we wouldn’t want to offend him by not accepting his invitation.”
“No, I understand,” I say. I know that my dad was really stressed out running the company by himself and that it was necessary for him to bring in a partner. “And I’ll go with you. It’s not like I’m going to sit here at the house watching scary movies on my own. No way.”
My mom smiles. “Great. I’m glad to hear that. We’re planning on heading over there as soon as the trick-or-treaters die down.”
I nod. I glance down at my outfit, though, and kind of wish that I’d worn something else. I made this angel outfit myself—it’s just a little white dress, white heels, a pair of cheap wings, and a fuzzy halo. I haven’t met Dante or seen his house, but based on what my parents have told me, it sounds like he’s kind of well off. I hope I don’t feel too lame in this DIY outfit.
Oh, well. There’s nothing I can do. And right now, I don’t even have time to keep thinking about it. The doorbell is ringing again. I grab the candy bowl and go answer it.
* * *
The trick-or-treaters keep comingin a steady stream for the next three hours. There are superheroes, firemen, cartoon characters, ghosts, princesses, and all kinds of animals…and I love getting to see all of them.
Eventually, the doorbell stops ringing. I finish my bowl of soup and eat another small slice of bread and then help my mom with the dishes. Then my parents go upstairs to change into their costumes and I snack on some of the leftover candy while I wait.
My dad emerges first, dressed in a long black robe and a white curly wig. He also has a gavel in his hand.
“Nice, dad,” I say. But when my mom appears, I start laughing. She’s dressed in an orange jumpsuit and black sneakers. She’s also slicked down her hair to make it look greasy.
“How long of a sentence did Dad give you, Mom?” I ask.
“She’s in for life,” my dad says before my mom can speak up.
“I’m plotting to break out, though,” my mom says in a loud whisper, and I laugh again.
The three of us get into the car and head over to the party. As soon as we pull up to the house, I feel a little nervous, because it’s a really nice place. It’s not a mansion or anything, but it’s still a big, gorgeous house. Even the Halloween decorations out front are somehow elegant.
We go up to the house and my dad rings the doorbell. I can hear sounds of the party coming from the other side of the door. And when the door swings open, I’m amazed at how crowded it is inside.
What stuns me even more, though, is the man who answers the door. He’s tall, ripped, and sexy as hell. He’s dressed up as Hugh Hefner, with a dark red velvety robe—no shirt underneath—and a captain hat and a pipe.
“Welcome!” he says, reaching out and giving my dad a vigorous handshake. When he leans in and gives my mom a quick kiss on the cheek, she giggles. Then his eyes drift down to me.
“This is our daughter, Angel,” says my mom proudly.
“Angel, huh?” he says.
“Hi,” I squeak out.
“It’s lovely to meet you,” he says, grinning. “I’m Dante.”
Chapter Two
I knew that my business partner, Ron, had a daughter. I’d even glimpsed a recent family photo on his desk. But I guess I was too busy focused on work when I saw it, because my eyes didn’t linger for more than a fraction of a second.