Page 7 of Just Once
“First of all,” says Dante, taking another step closer to me. “You’re not gross. It’s sexy, seeing you like that. But if you want to shower, you’re more than welcome to do that first. I’ll even join you, if you want.”
I swallow. I’m all kinds of tingly now.
“What about the dog?” I ask.
“What about him?”
“Aren’t you…busy walking him?”
“Look, if you don’t want to do this, just say so.”
“No, I just…” I don’t know what exactly to say. The truth is, I’m nervous as hell now that I actually have the opportunity to sleep with Dante. Not because of the whole business thing, or the age thing…it’s because of my lack of experience. I’ve had sex before, but only a couple times. I have no idea what I’m doing. And someone like Dante…yeah, it doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to deduce that he knows exactly how to pleasure someone.
“Talk to me, Angel,” he says.
I gaze up into those gorgeous eyes of his.
“I want to,” I say. “But I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you.”
He shakes his head. “Trust me. You won’t.”
“I’ve only had sex a couple times.”
“Doesn’t make a difference,” he says.
I press my lips together. “Are you sure?”
“You don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to,” he says. “But did you come? Those other times?”
I blush. “No. Not even close.”
He nods. Then he says, with a low voice, “Then let me show you how it’s done.”
Chapter Four
Ikiss Angel the moment we step into my house. I can’t resist her any longer. And she kisses me back, running her hands through my hair. Her kisses are salty and sweet. Oh, God, I want her so much. I want to take her right here and now, up against the door.
But she pulls back and smiles at me. “About that shower...”
“Right,” I say. “Am I invited?”
“Um…” She bites her lip. “As nice as that sounds…I think I’ll be more comfortable if you meet me afterward in bed.”
“That also sounds perfect,” I say. I’m all about shower sex, but if she’s not, I’m not going to push. “Hold on. I’ll grab you a towel.”
I pull out the plushest one I can find in my linen closet and tell her she’s welcome to use my en suite bathroom—and to holler if she needs anything else. She smiles and heads upstairs. The shower water starts running a few seconds later. And of course I can’t help but think of her up there, the water cascading over her naked body, her lathered hands rubbing suds up and down her curves…
Shit. This plan is probably going to backfire. But fuck it.
I look down at Shep, the dog, who’s standing there looking back at me. I shake my head.
“Whatisit about this woman, huh, Shep?” I say.
He wags his tail. I laugh. He follows me as I go into the kitchen and grab a treat for him—something that he can gnaw on for a long while and keep occupied with.
Then I head upstairs and walk into my bedroom. The shower’s still running. I take a seat on the edge of my bed and wait for Angel to finish.