Page 6 of Irresistible
No way. I’m probably just imagining things.
And getting my hopes up for nothing.
Sighing, turning onto my other side in bed, I try to push away thoughts of Austin. But they keep on slipping back into my mind. I keep thinking about how he’s right over there on the other side of the wall. Just a few thin inches separate us.
Is he thinking about me, too?
And then, before I can stop it, my imagination takes over. It gets realistic. And specific. I start imagining him opening up the door to my bedroom. Stepping inside my room. Locking the door behind him.
Getting into bed with me, his big, warm body joining me beneath the sheets.
Juststandingnear Austin downstairs made me feel small—I can’t even imagine what the sensation might feel like if he pressed his body against mine. And how would I feel to him? Would he like my short, curvy frame? Would he get hard the minute he touched me?
Oh, God. Now all I can think about is him getting hard.
Not that I actually know what a cock looks like hard. Or how one feels. Or how one tastes. The most I’ve ever done with a guy is kiss—and to be honest, I’ve never had areallygreat kiss. It’s always been too rushed. Too sloppy.
Maybe I’m just being optimistic, but I get the feeling that Austin would kiss me the right way.
And what else would he do, if he could? Touch me? Lick me? Take my virginity? It gives me warm tingles all over to think about it.
I’ve never felt the desire to actually go all the way with anyone. Until now.
Forcing my eyes open, I clench my teeth together. I can’t let my mind wander like this. It’s only going to make this whole thing worse.
I swallow, trying to get rid of my thoughts. But all swallowing does is make me realize how dry my throat is.
After debating it for a while—do I really want to drink water this late, when I know it’ll just wake me up in the middle of the night to pee?—I finally roll out of bed, deciding that I’ll only drink a small glass of water.
As soon as I step out into the hallway, though, I run right into something.
Startled, I gasp, stepping back.
“Shit,” says a low voice. “Sorry, Chloe. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
It’s Austin.Of courseit’s Austin.
“What are you doing?” I ask quietly. The hallway is dark. Everyone else is in bed.
“Just had to grab something downstairs.”
“Oh.” My eyes adjust more to the darkness and I can make out his features more clearly now. God, he’s so handsome. So tall and built andhandsome.
We’re standing so close to each other in this dark hallway. Neither of us says anything more. It would be so easy for us to kiss. I wet my lips and look up at him. He looks down at me, breathing a little harder.
“Chloe…” he murmurs.
“Uh huh?”
“Oh, fuck it.”
As my heart starts racing, he leans down. I close my eyes, waiting for his lips to press against mine.
And then a door opens down the hallway and we tear apart.
Chapter Five