Page 2 of Buns in the Oven
“Sure, man,” says my brother. “What can I make you?”
“Surprise me,” says Wes. As Joey goes off to the espresso machine, Wes’s gaze returns to me. I feel my cheeks flush a little. God. He’s so handsome. Too bad he’s my brother’s friend and off-limits.
“So how’s life, Stella?” Wes asks.
“Good,” I say. “I’ve mostly been busy working on getting the café open.”
“It must have been a ton of work.”
“It was. We’re thrilled with the way it turned out, though.”
“You should be,” he says.
Several feet away, the espresso machine lets out a sigh of steam. I’m grateful for the noise, because I swear that my hammering heartbeat would be audible without it.
“How about you?” I ask Wes.
“Busy with work, too,” he says. “I work for a tech startup downtown.” He glances at his watch and frowns. “And I’ve got a meeting to get to, so I’ve gotta run. It was really great seeing you, though.”
“You too,” I say, my cheeks filling with warmth.
“Coffee’s ready for you, man,” Joey calls out to Wes. Wes flashes me a subtly sexy smile, then walks over to pay for his coffee. A minute later, when he walks out of our café, I have to lean back against the wall to steady myself.
Chapter Two
“Any thoughts, Wes?”
I snap out of the daydream I’m having about Stella and bring myself back to the meeting I’m in the middle of. Shit. I never get like this. I’m normally so focused, especially at work. I quickly train my attention on the screen at the front of the room and catch myself up with what everybody’s talking about.
“Well, you all probably know how I feel already,” I say to my colleagues. “But I’ll say it again: in my opinion, we should prioritize user experience above all else.”
Maybe I’m just a lucky bastard, but my statement saves me. Everyone else nods in agreement and the conversation continues on.
Ever since seeing Stella this morning, she’s all I’ve been able to think about. That sweet smile of hers…her gorgeous eyes…her sexy-as-hell curves…frankly, I’m feeling lovestruck.
But going after your buddy’s sister?
Nope. Not cool.
Shit, though…I can’t stop thinking about her. Which is kind of ironic, because back in high school, she was basically invisible to me. She was just my buddy’s little sister. Besides, at that age, I was more interested in video games and comic books than I was in girls.
Yep. I was a nerd.
Well, I guess maybe I still am a bit of one. I do work for a tech company, after all.
The meeting I’m sitting in wraps up, and I gather my stuff and head back to my desk. My inbox is flooded with new emails, several of which need to be addressed right away. Kicking my ass into gear, I force myself to concentrate, and keep thoughts of Stella at bay.
Four hours later, I shut off my computer, rub my aching neck, and head out of the office.
Somehow I’ve managed to keep Stella off my mind for the last several hours. But the moment I step out of the office, thoughts of her flood my mind again, and it’s even worse this time—it’s like they’ve built up over the last few hours. As I drive home, I keep thinking about those sweet lips of hers that I’d do anything to kiss. I almost feel like I’m going crazy. Like I’mobsessedwith her.
I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me.
I’ve never gotten so worked up like this over a woman. Which is probably why I haven’t dated much. I’ve gone out with some nice girls, but I’m always left knowing she’s not the one. And I don’t see the point in dragging something out that won’t work out in the end.
When I’ve explained this to buddies of mine, they argue I’m calling it too early, not allowing enough time to get to know the women I go out with. And that might be true for some men. But it’s not the case for me. I’ve always known that when I meet the right one, I’ll know.