Page 9 of Buns in the Oven
A woman walks over on the other side of the display case and asks if she can help me with anything. I tell her I’m looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend, and she smiles and starts to ask me about Stella’s style. Before I know it, I’m blabbering on and on about how amazing Stella is.
“Let’s see,” the woman says. I’ve clearly said nothing that has helped her narrow down the options, but she pulls out a couple rings anyway and sets them onto the counter. She starts to describe the rings she’s just pulled out, but I take one glance at them and I know. There’s one that’sperfectfor Stella.
Like everything else in our relationship, it simply feels meant to be.
* * *
Stellaand I are the first to arrive at the restaurant the night that her parents get into town. We have a table reserved for the five of us, and as Stella and I settle in, I lean over to her and tell her how gorgeous she looks tonight. She has on a dress that brings out the richness of her eyes and complements her gorgeous body. She’s not showing at all yet, of course, but I know that she’s going to look so sweet with a baby belly.
Stella smiles at me, then looks past my shoulder.
“Oh!” she says. “There’s my parents.”
We both stand up and greet her parents as they approach. Stella gives her folks long, joyful hugs. I give her mom a hug and shake her dad’s hand.
“It’s good to see you, Wes,” says her mom. “When Stella told us you two were dating…well, we’re glad you two found each other. It’s a lovely surprise.”
I try to imagine Stella’s mom calling the baby a lovely surprise, too, but something tells me she’s probably not going to react exactly the same way.
Joey arrives a few minutes later. He greets his parents with hugs and gives Stella and I spirited hellos. As the waitress comes over and hands out menus, Stella’s mom asks about how the café has been going and Stella and Joey give their parents an update.
“We’ll take you guys over there tomorrow,” says Joey. “You can have as much coffee and baked goods on the house as you can eat.”
“Careful,” says his dad. “I’ve been known to eat my weight in cookies.”
We all laugh. But as I glance over at Stella, I can see the anxiety in her eyes about the bomb we’re going to drop on them tonight.
I lean over and whisper into her ear, “Everything’s going to be okay.”
Over dinner, Stella and Joey’s parents tell us about their latest adventures being on the road, telling one entertaining story after another. It’s not until after our dinner plates have been cleared and we’ve ordered dessert that the right moment comes for Stella and I to share our news. We exchange a look, then Stella looks at her parents and her brother and clears her throat.
“So,” she says, her voice shaking a tiny bit. “Wes and I actually have something to tell you guys.”
Stella’s parents and her brother both look at us curiously. Stella takes another breath.
“I’m pregnant,” she says.
The mood around the table instantly changes. Everybody is quiet for a second.
Then Stella’s mom says, “Wow. That’s…that’s huge news, you two.”
Stella glances at me, and I give her thigh a squeeze under the table.
“Itishuge,” I say. “And unexpected. But we’re actually really excited about it.”
“Well, we’re here to support you however you need it,” says Stella’s dad, and Stella’s mom nods and smiles. I’m sure they’re still in shock and won’t fully absorb it until later, but I’m relieved that they’re taking it so well.
I look over at Joey, who hasn’t reacted at all yet.
“You’re going to be anuncle,” Stella says to her brother.
“Yeah, I…” Joey shakes his head, and a smile breaks out on his face. “That’s nuts, you guys. But I’m happy for you.”
The waitress approaches our table with our desserts, and as she sets them down, we all make comments about how delicious they look. The waitress tells us to enjoy and leaves.
Everyone starts to pick up their forks, but I stop them before they dig into the desserts.
“Before we start eating,” I say, standing up from my chair, “I have a question that I need to ask Stella.”