Page 15 of His Valentine
I nod. “Sorry.”
“Are yousure?”
I nod again.
He exhales a long breath. Then he gets up and gathers his things and goes.
Chapter Six
Igive Lena the space she needs. For two days, I let her be. But on the third day, I can’t take it anymore. I need to have a conversation with her about this. I need to show her that I don’t have a single shred of doubt about our future together.
And if my words aren’t enough, I have something else in mind to show her how serious I am.
I take the afternoon off from work that day and do what I need to do. That evening, I head over to her place. I’ve come bearing flowers—the prettiest goddamn bouquet I could find.
I’m just about to knock on her door when it opens on its own. When I take in the sight of Lena, I feel breathless for a second. I’m so in love with her that she has that effect on me.
“Magnus,” she says, surprised.
I realize she’s dressed to go out. Fuck. I should have called. But I didn’t want to have this conversation over the phone, I wanted to see her in person—
“I was just on my way to see you,” Lena says.
My heart settles. I hold out the flowers. “For you, of course.”
“That’s sweet of you. Thank you. Well…come on in.”
I step into her apartment and we sit together on her couch. We both start talking at the same time, then both stop and gently laugh.
“You go first,” I tell her.
She nods. “I need to apologize to you, Magnus. I overreacted the other day. And I shouldn’t have pushed you away. I’d like to blame the hormones, but that would be a cop-out. It was all me.”
She shifts on the couch and looks at me deeply. “I’ve donesomuch thinking over the past couple days,” she continues. “And I’ve finally convinced myself to let go of my fear. Just because my parents split up, that doesn’t mean you and I won’t make it. We’re strong together. Furniture arguments and all.” She smiles. “I want to be with you, Magnus. I’m not going to let fear get the best of me again.”
“Promise me you’ll talk to me if that fear ever does come back, though, okay?” I say. “We’ll talk. We’ll work through it. Got it?”
She nods.
I press my lips to hers. It’s a slow kiss, a deeply affectionate one—fuck, it’s a magical kiss. It takes all my willpower to not scoop her up in my arms and carry her into the bedroom.
But first I need to give her something. A few things, actually.
I pull out of our kiss and slide two envelopes out of my back pocket. As I hand the first one to her, she gives me a quizzical look, but then turns it over and opens it up.
“You…booked this?” Lena says, her eyes scanning the piece of paper she just pulled out. It’s a reservation for a little romantic cabin a few hours’ drive away—a reservation for a year from now.
“Your mom has already agreed to babysit while we’re gone.” I hold out the second envelope. “This one’s next.”
Lena laughs and takes the second envelope from me. When she pulls out the piece of paper that’s inside, she lifts a hand to her mouth.
“Magnus,” she says.
“Technically, I wasn’t able to book the tickets,” I explain. “The airline doesn’t book out that far, and neither does the theme park. But you have my word. Five years from now, we’ll take our kids there. Or, you know,kid, if we only end up with the one. Either way, we’re going.”
“What if we end up having quintuplets next?” Lena says, biting back a smile.