Page 5 of Sugar Lips
Okay. I guess I shouldn’t say it like that. Heisa pastry chef at some fancy restaurant, after all. And he’ll probably win. But I feel like I have a chance. I can do this. I can beat him.
I’ve just gotta keep my eyes off those annoyingly sexy forearms of his.
Filming wraps up for the day, and at Samira’s suggestion, the six of us go out to eat together. Even though she, Mandy, Paul, and Michael just got eliminated, the four of them are staying through tomorrow—they’ll actually be assistants for Jackson and myself during the final round.
I’m relieved I’ll have some help, because I know the final challenge is going to be a huge one. And I’m also glad that the four of them are going to be around tonight, because the thought of it just being Jackson and myself makes me a little nervous. Silly or not, I don’t trust myself to be alone with him.
Not after the way my body reacted during our hug.
The six of us decide on a nearby restaurant within walking distance, and before long, we’re all seated around a table talking about how crazy the day of filming was. It’s kind of funny to feel such a bond with this group already, since I’ve only known them for a day, but I guess that’s what happens when you spend more than twelve hours straight together.
“So, I want to know why you all applied,” says Samira, as we’re waiting for our food to come. “I’ll go first. I’ve dreamed of being on this show ever since I watched my first cooking competition on TV.”
“I applied because I had a dream that I got onto one of these shows,” says Michael. “And then I couldn’t get the idea out of my head.”
“I applied because my kids wanted me to,” says Mandy. “They kept saying,Mommy, you should do that. Mommy, you should do that.So I applied. They went absolutely bonkers when I told them I’d made it on.”
The rest of us laugh. Then Mandy smiles at me. “What about you, Elizabeth? What made you apply?”
I smile and shrug. “My mom talked me into it.”
“Aw,” says Mandy. “That’s sweet. Does your mom bake, too?”
“She used to,” I say. Oh,whydid I have to say that? Why couldn’t I have just said yes? Now everyone’s looking at me, curious about why I saidused to. “Um…my mom’s been sick for a while. She doesn’t have the energy to bake much right now.”
“Oh, honey,” says Mandy. “I’m sorry.”
I nod and take a sip of water. I really don’t want to get emotional right now. Regaining my composure, I set down the glass and look across the table at Jackson, who’s been quiet since we got here.
“What about you, Jackson?” I say. “Why did you apply?”
He takes a breath and lets it out. “If I’m being honest, a colleague of mine kind of goaded me into it.”
I guess that explains why he’s been acting the way he has.
“Well, for someone who doesn’t seem very enthusiastic about being here,” says Samira, smiling, “you sure have been rocking it.”
“Yeah, no kidding,” says Mandy. “Jackson, will you make one of those zombie head cakes for my kid’s birthday?”
“Mandy,” says Samira. “Jackson’s a big fancy pastry chef. He doesn’t want to make cakes for kids.”
“Sorry,” says Mandy, grinning across the table at Jackson.
The rest of our dinner goes by uneventfully. From there, we head over to the hotel, where the show has booked us rooms for the night. After checking in, we all ride up in an elevator together. Samira, Mandy, and Paul are on the third floor; Michael is on the fourth. And once he gets off, it’s just Jackson and myself in the elevator, riding up to the sixth floor. Silence fills the elevator the rest of the ride up.
“What room are you?” Jackson asks as we step out of the elevator.
“621,” I say.
He nods. “I’m in 620.”
We walk down the hallway together. Jackson’s room comes first.
“Goodnight,” he says, still not looking at me as he pushes his key card into the reader on his door.
“Goodnight,” I say. I don’t know if it’s just the stupid key card or if I’m flustered, but it takes me multiple tries to get my door unlocked. But then, finally, I’m inside the safety of my room. Sighing, I lean against the door and tell myself that I’m not allowed to think any more thoughts of Jackson tonight.
Filming startsup again at 7am the next morning. I’m as well-rested as I can possibly be. And when Ben asks Jackson and myself if we’re ready for the final round, I give Ben a confident nod. In my peripheral vision, I can see Jackson do the same.