Page 17 of The Last First Date
There will be another guy xx
Helen:Does it make me a loser to say I don’t want another guy?
I want THAT guy.
It literally feels like I can’t ever like someone without it going spectacularly wrong: and finally it goes right and this happens.
Sorry to rant, I’m just upset.
We had another date all planned: but how can I find him now?
Sophie:I’ve got to go to sleep and Frank’s with me (sorry) otherwise I’d call.
But will try you tomorrow.
Try to get some rest H xx
Elle:It is just one guy babe: besides if he really likes you, he’ll find you.
Helen:How?? He doesn’t know anything about me!
Elle:He knows where you live, no?
Helen:Apart from the fact that’s a bit stalkerish, he only dropped me part of the way home.
The Tesla wasn’t doing so great on the Cornish roads so I walked the last half mile into my hamlet.
Elle:Babe – for real he should have carried you.
Sophie:Just told Frank I need a minute …
@Elle I know you would have made him ;-)
Elle:@Sophie No – I don’t need to make anyone do anything.
If you have the right standards and vibe guys just react to you differently.
Anyway @Helen so your home is out.
Helen:Well he has the rough geographical area that I’ll be exiting in approximately 9 hours when I get the train back to London.
Talk about timing!
Sophie:What about your business?
Surely you’re pretty googleable?
Helen:You know I don’t like talking about my work –
I just said I ran a blog … no details. You know the ‘be mysterious until date 3’ thing we all thought was a reallllyyy good idea.
Elle:Well I once met a guy at The Ned hotel bar and he managed to find me the next day by checking stories on Instagram tagged in that location … so it is possible.
Sophie:How about you just find him and reach out to him on socials?