Page 5 of The Last First Date
Brody:London – moved to the big smoke 18 years ago – but escape here when I can for the surf mostly. How about you?
Helen:Same actually – Cornwall is such a small place I’m almost surprised we’ve never met?!
Brody:I know, I’ll have to make a complaint ;)
So, I have 3 important questions for you if you’re game?
Helen:Game :-)
Brody:First of all, how do you feel about surfing?
Helen:No previous experience but I could be convinced!
‘Outright lie!’ thought Helen, waves and sand were a bad combination, especially when they got all in your eyes and up your nose.
Brody:For a Cornish lass that’s truly shocking!
Okay question 2, how do you feel about Dachshunds?
Helen quickly googled ‘Dachshunds’. Okay, so Dachshunds were originally trained to smell out badgers and she’d mistakenly been identifying them as ‘sausage dogs’ this whole time.
Helen:Sooo cute! Is he friendly to strangers?
Brody:Very! Of course, he has excellent taste in people.
Final question …
Helen:Wait, don’t I get to ask you some questions too?
Brody:Of course – sorry not very chivalrous of me. Shoot!
Try to be witty, try to be witty …
Helen:So, my first question is what’s your company? Is it based here? It sounds very exciting.
Brody:Our mission is all about making it easier for people to choose recyclable alternatives to everyday disposable goods.
^That’s our corporate explanation anyway. As cheesy as it sounds, I just want the world to be more switched on to small changes that can be made and that have a big environmental impact.
I’m down here at the moment looking to do some charitable work with Surfers Against Sewage.
Next question?
Helen:So, it’s not just you in your company?
Brody:Not anymore. I’m lucky to hire quite a few people who are much smarter than me to help get our message out.
Noble AND successful.
Helen:That’s amazing. My job is a little less ground breaking; I run a small blog, but I think it could go places.
Brody:If it’s not too much, can I give you some advice I received once?
Never dismiss what you do ;-)