Page 78 of The Last First Date
He reciprocated with even more intensity as Helen’s fingers began pulling at his shirt buttons. His fingers grazed her arms, as his shirt fell open. He really did have a nice body. She stood up, pulling her dress off over her head, wriggling it over her shoulders, throwing it onto the floor, and dislodging her cocktail. She would think about the dry cleaning tomorrow.
‘Wow …’ Ish paused, admiring her, ‘… sorry I probably shouldn’t have said that.’
‘Is this okay?’ Anxious Helen questioned, whilst confident Helen straddled Ish, touching his toned shoulders.
‘Yes, I mean if you’re okay, I’m okay?’ Ish breathed heavily.
‘I’m okay …’
Ish slid Helen’s bra strap down.
‘I mean I probably don’t just see you as a friend anymore …’ When were words ever going to learn to stay put and not fly out of her mouth?
‘Me neither,’ said Ish as he caressed her shoulder. The heat rising within her.
‘… and you won’t judge me if we, you know …’ Awkward Helen, so awkward.
‘No … No!’ Ish pulled Helen’s bra straps back up. ‘Sorry I got caught up in the moment but …’ Ish grabbed a nearby dirty tea towel and held it over her bra. ‘I like you Hels, so ya know whether it’s today, next week, or never, it’s all the same to me …’
Helen giggled. Her hair dangled over her face, just brushing his bare skin.
‘Okay well maybe sometime in the near future would be nice, but I’m in no rush …’ Ish’s hands rested on the sides of her hips. She wanted more.
‘I know, I know you’re not … but I think I might be …’ Helen let the towel drop and pushed her hips down to touch his, his head rolled back, as she grasped at his belt buckle. ‘… what … Ish?!’
‘Yes …’ He sat up blinking.
‘You never told me you have a …’
‘A what?’
‘… you have a really big … you know …’
Ish smiled, and pulled Helen closer again. If only she had known it could feel that good, she wouldn’t have waited so long.
Chapter 46
Helen blinked her eyes open to the scene of destruction that now categorised her apartment. A knocked over tumbler had spilt G&T into a puddle on the floor, as a lowly slice of old grapefruit had rolled towards her rug. The sofa was … well it was broken. There had been a moment when … well … she must have been holding on to it quite tight, and it obviously couldn’t withstand the pressure.
It wasn’t even 10 a.m. and she was blushing.
She looked back over to her bed, and realised she was also very naked, and in her bed, equally naked, was Ish snoozing softly with a pillow over his head. She normally hated sleeping next to anyone else (Elle was a real fidget in that tent) but with Ish it was easy. She’d had a long dreamless sleep, and somehow arrived the next morning, with a man in her bed. It was a little bit alarming; she looked at him like some alien life form that had strangely appeared in her apartment. What do you do with one of those? Well apart from the obvious?! Helen smirked again, she was starting to develop a really dirty mind.
She pulled on her favourite fluffy dressing gown and shut the bedroom door gently behind her. Pulling a spoon from the drawer she took a large mouthful (oh Helen stop it!) of peanut butter to help her hangover, and began throwing pieces of kitchen roll onto the floor. She picked through her handbag that had been thrown into the corner of the room, and checked her phone.
Elle:Err someone tells me that you left with Ish @Helen. Need all the details xxx
Also hope you had a brilliant night @Sophie, you looked beautiful!!
Sophie:I had the best time, thank you both so much for coming.
Ps nice dance moves Helen!
Helen:I’m awake!
And Ish is here with me …
Well he’s still in bed asleep …